The God of Love and the God of Hate Are Two Different “Gods”

Yaldabaoth the deceitful demiurge of the Old Testament

Confusion began in 364 AD when the Roman Catholic Church and Roman Emperor Julian joined forces, since all decision by the Catholic Councils had to be approved by the political authority of Rome in their combined hopes for unifying the world under the flag and belief of the Roman Catholic Church. This was a decision that has filtered into the fabric of every society in the world. Look at how many Roman Catholic Churches there are throughout the entire world.

Jesus personifying the Christ Consciousness.

The following explains our ancient historical roots that I wrote about in my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM:


“Look at what Azazel has done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were made and kept in heaven, which men were striving to learn and Samjaza, who taught spells, to whom you gave authority to rule over his associates. And they have gone to the daughters of men on earth, and have had sex with women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins.” 1 Enoch, chapter 9:6-8

“This was all common knowledge when Plato wrote Plato’s Dialogues[1] in 360 BCE and The Timaeus,[2] which concerns the creation of the world by a demiurge, initially operating on forms and space and assisted after he has created them by lesser gods. Earth, air, fire, and water are analyzed as ultimately consisting of two kinds of triangles, which combine into different characteristic solids. Plato in this work applies mathematical harmonics to produce cosmology. The Critias is a barely started sequel to the Timaeus; its projected content is the story of the war of ancient Athens and Atlantis. This was well-known knowledge until shadows of doubt dulled the histories of humanity.

“In Chapter 1 of this book, the Library of Knowledge dealt with Nag Hammadi Codex II, 4 (86,27-87,23) in the hidden Sacred Scripture, The Nature of the Rulers, The Blind Demiurge, says, “The leader of the authorities is blind. [Because of his] power, ignorance, and arrogance he said, with [power], “I am God; there is no other [but me.]”

“This is a dead giveaway as to how cults operate. This is the basis of their operating manual rooted in the ignorance and arrogance of the fallen angels and their Nephilim children. Cults are quick to shout, “Heresy!” when they hear anything other than their own spin on the information in which they have been indoctrinated, or are the authors of their brand of religion, politics, or education. Many are not aware they have had the wool pulled over their eyes by the wolves’ interpretations of physical, spiritual, and metaphysical realities.

“The blind demiurge is neither the first nor second creation manifested by Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Wisdom and Love are the beginnings of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy experiencing Itself. This third lifeform is the result of Wisdom working alone without Love, a kind of grandchild of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. We all see what happens when intelligence and power work without Love all over the world throughout history to today. …

The Nature of the Rulers, especially the section entitled The Blind Demiurge, describes how this much smaller portion of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy experienced itself and all Creation that was around the Earth. Seeing none other than itself, this blind demiurge, which is a Platonic school of philosophy, claims to be the “God” of all he sees. The problem is watching the dark and negative influence of the Spirits of the fallen angels and the Nephilim throughout the Old Testament with addictive bloodthirsty thrusts for power, fame, and fortune, claim to be the same energy as Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. It is not, no matter how many malicious and depraved temper tantrums the blind demiurge throws.

“I find that people tend to make an understandable but erroneous leap when they first read about this blind demiurge, thinking this is the same “god” of the Old Testament. The blood-filled battles talked about in the Old Testament were ruthless, gory, and against the Laws of Nature, regardless of the “honorable” reason for murdering every man, woman, child, and animal. It is as if the innocent ones were all contaminated simply by being in the wrong region at the wrong time.

“Was there no innocent man, woman, child, or animal in the land of the Philistines, the Canaanites, or in Jericho, and just about every other Old Testament battle that massacred every human and animal in the conquered lands?

“It was the victors who wrote the bible stories. Might they have been influenced by the dark, rebellious, and sinister energies which mirror that of the fallen angels, as we see being played out on the world stage today?

The Nature of the Rulers explains so much more about how material things and humanity came to be on Earth than the childish version in today’s modern bibles. The Nature of the Rulers, The Blind Demiurge, was also considered Sacred Scriptures long before the birth of Jesus and for nearly four hundred years after his crucifixion. Jesus was aware of this Sacred Scripture. He never preached against it in recorded accounts in the bible. If it were important to mention, Jesus would have corrected this information. He did not.

“Once Roman government officials and Catholic religious hierarchy live out a carbon copy of The Nature of the Rulers, The Blind Demiurge, they consciously decided to hijack the Christian belief system in 365 at the Council of Nicaea. The faithful who treasured these Sacred Scriptures buried this once well-known knowledge in clay pots in desert caves for posterity. Religious and political officials then placed themselves in charge of religious and political thought, punishable by death to anyone who did not bow down to them. This is the beginning of another cult in the making, seeded by untruths that everyone is a sinner because Eve gave Adam that piece of fruit.

The Nature of the Rulers begins with the nature of the authority spirits. It tells how the leader of these authorities is blind, and acknowledges none other than himself, sinning against the realm of the All. When this blasphemous boast reached Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, he gets corrected by the incorruptibility of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. This is the Roman officials and the Christian religious hierarchy playbook.

“Notice what happens in the New Testament in Colossians 1:15-16. Jesus (Love) is suddenly being named the first Creation of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Sophia (Wisdom) is being dethroned, evaporated from memory as the First Thought of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

“However, the First Thought of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy was Wisdom, in the grand and glorious “I AM THAT I AM” awareness. This Wisdom is named Sophia. Before Eternal Universal Life Force Energy could Love Itself, it had to Know Itself through Wisdom. Wisdom comes before Love.

“While it is obvious in all relationships that you cannot Love a someone before you know them, political and religious officials could not have a woman, nor the feminine aspect of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy thought to be first, in their comprehension. They threw out every feminine association including all women leaders and ministers who had been ordained by Jesus for nearly 400 years and put them under the thumb of men in all areas of public, political, religious, and private life.

“Don’t forget that New Testament Paul, first educated as a Pharisee, and whose father was a Pharisee, a religious group which was also negatively affected by the Spirits of the fallen angels. Paul wrote most of the New Testament in letters to: 1Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews. There was an agenda to keep.

“History shows that Paul’s father was probably a wealthy master tentmaker,[4] selling to caravans, nomads, and armies all over Asia Minor and Syria, while living in Tarsus.[5] This means that as a boy, Paul would have been trained in a local Jewish synagogue, earning the rights of citizenship via his family’s wealth and religious standing, not available to the poor among them, and certainly not available to the women.

“Pharisees were trained to put women in their place, religiously, politically, socially, and domestically, behind a man, continuously beating the dysfunctional drum of Eve fecklessly[6] affecting Adam into what they erroneously determined to be THE Original Sin. Women were not allowed to worship in the Temple with men and were assigned to the duties of motherhood and homemaking, not even allowing them to speak to a man if they happened to cross the path of a man, like the Samaritan woman at the well.[7]

“Women were assigned to wear coverings on their heads for two reasons; first because of Genesis 6:1 where the fallen angels saw how beautiful they were with the ability to tempt men beyond their own control; and second, was so male political and religious hierarchal structures could retain power, fame, and fortune.

“The reality is that Wisdom (Knowledge/Gnosis) precedes Love (Christ Consciousness), yet both are integral to Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Once Wisdom was realized, Love manifested Itself in Christ Living Light in the archetypal Adam Kadmon.[8] This is the initial contraction of God’s Infinite Living Light (Big Bang) which manifested in the implosion of Wisdom and Love in myriad other etheric, astral, spiritual, physical, and cosmic Creations. …

“However, on her own, Sophia, who is also known as Pistis Sophia (Faith Wisdom), sinned against Eternal Universal Life Force Energy by creating against the Law of Nature, which was the original plan, intended to include the Love (Christ consciousness) of Adam Kadmon. This first sin, known as the Fall of Sophia[10], is because Sophia, a celestial being, created without her counterpart, Love. Her solitary creation is this blind and ignorant “authority spirit” created in Wisdom, without Love.

“The miscreation of Sophia horrified her, since it did not hold a candle to the brilliance of the Christ Light Being of the Adam Kadmon created by her Almighty Father. This Adam Kadmon is also known as the Primordial Man, the Supreme Man, and sometimes Heavenly Man. Its generation is the template thought to come into being after the contraction of the Infinite Light (the Big Bang) of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

“This Love beyond all measure radiates in the Christ-conscious self-awareness of Itself, just as the self-realization of the Wisdom is an integral part of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, in the Yin/Yang representation. Energetically speaking, Love is known to be the male energy, while Wisdom is known to be the female energy, equal in balance and symmetry. Love and Wisdom operate as One cohesive whole within the omniscient, omnipotent Universal Life Force Energy.

“It is not fair to rate the various interpretations held within all religions concerning Love and Wisdom, one version as better than the other version, because they are all referring to the One Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Wisdom knows. Wisdom does not blame. Love forgives. Love does not threaten. Love and Wisdom do not compete against Itself. …

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“Light is how Energy travels and creates.

“Back to the Nag Hammadi Sacred Scriptures, Sophia regrets creating a Light Life Being without Love, but not before she casts this snake-like creature with a face of a lion and eyes flashing like lightning bolts down to the Earth. Having pity on this malformed creature struggling to breathe and to stand, Sophia breathes life into her creation and names him Yaldabaoth, a name which means “move over here, young man,” since he was living in the water and unable to stand. The name Yaldabaoth also came to mean “child of chaos” in Aramaic. Yaldabaoth is full of ignorance void of Love.

“Once Yaldabaoth gains some semblance of being, he creates archons, for each of the realms, those heavens or possibly planets, he sees. These archons in turn create human beings. If this is the case, it might explain alien lifeforms unfamiliar to us in other star systems in the cosmos.

“It is worth mentioning that Jesus did not denounce these writings in his teachings, nor did the writers of the Old Testament and New Testament care to make note of this. Or was the biblical exegesis, that is, how the scriptures were understood and written down, in error by combining Eternal Universal Life Force Energy with Yaldabaoth?

“Yaldabaoth is this famous snake-like creature, the same powerful being the first humans meet in the Garden of Eden, according to every bible. Adam and Eve believe him to be their creator, who demands what they can and cannot eat under penalty of hardship, painful childbearing, and death. This is the penalty for making a mistake. Notice the lack of Love which is not present in Yaldabaoth.

“Why did Adam and Eve have such a difficult time simply obeying orders?

“Every human being since the beginning of time must make difficult decisions every day, as a matter of conscience. There always seems to be a good and a bad side to every situation. This paradox is rooted deeply within everyone. But there is a solution.

“Jesus came to Earth to show humanity that not only is every person made of the Wisdom Light of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy within their Soul, but he also taught humanity how to give and receive the Love of the Christ Conscious of the Adam Kadmon, of which every person is made in the image and likeness. Jesus personified this Christ Consciousness.”

To learn more about how ancient history is affecting modern-day culture worldwide, read:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

[1] Plato’s Atlantis as Told in His Socratic Dialogues (

[2] Plato – Late dialogues | Britannica

[3] New American Bible

[4] The Apostle: A Life of Paul, page 15

[5] Family Background of Saul of Tarsus | Things Paul & Luke (

[6] Feckless Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

[7] John 4:7-30

[8] Adam Kadmon – Wikipedia

[9] Adam Kadmon – Wikipedia

[10] The Secret Book of John, The Fall of Sophia (9,25-10,19)

[11] How Many God and Goddess are There in Hindu Religion? HindUtsav