METAPHYSICAL ANATOMY ~ Your Complete Energy System

The perfect Savior said, ‘The Child, the Son of Humanity, came together with his companion Sophia and disclosed a bright androgynous light. The male name of the light is Savior, the one who conceives all, and the female name is all-conceiving Sophia. Some call her Pistis, Faith. All who come into the world, like a droplet from the light, are sent by him into the world of the ruler of the universe, to be guarded by him. The fetter of his forgetfulness has kept the light bound, by the will of Sophia, so that the reality of the circumstance might be [revealed] through the light to the whole impoverished world, on account of the arrogance and blindness of the ruler of the universe and the name of ignorance he was given.’” The Wisdom of Jesus Christ, The Savior, Pistis Sophia, And Other Powers Appear, 106,9-107


Now is the time to unbind the Light WITHIN you. This Light is an intricate and vital part of your entire being, more vital than every beat of your heart. It does not come from outside of you, from some human guru or popular think tank. The Light animates your human existence. You are the Light in your corner of the world, in yourself, and in your home, work, school, committee, government, entertainment, social circle, and every other place you find yourself. There is no limit to you and the gift that you are to humanity. You are a droplet of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, right where you are. You radiate, just like your contactless credit card holding valuable personal information about you, which can be read by any other person walking by you with a device able to read and steal your information.

Dare I delve deep into the writings of James Churchward,[1] a British occult, writer, inventor, and engineer, who researched two sets of ancient tablets, the Naacal tablets which he discovered in India many years ago, and a large collection of recently discovered stone tablets well over two thousand, five hundred years old recently found in Mexico. He discovered both sets of stone tablets originated from the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu (Lemuria).

According to The Lost Continent of Mu, Churchward, who spent more than fifty years investigating these findings, the Naacal tablets left Burma more than fifteen thousand years ago. The writings on both sets of ancient stone tablets are indicative of the alphabet of Mu.

Churchward’s discoveries point to the Alpha of Creation, the Garden of Eden, not in Asia, but on the lost continent of Mu. He also noted that the people of Mu grew to over sixty-four million inhabitants who appear to have had a more superior civilization some fifty thousand years ago. His research included written documents, prehistoric ruins, and geological phenomena from which he credits all other civilizations to have drawn greater concepts of life.

“Had the atheist given as careful study to forces as he did to elements, constantly working back and back, following one force to another, eventually he would have come to the origin of movement. It would then have been disclosed to him that he himself contained a force other than physical, and that that force was a living soul. With this knowledge he would realize what he is: not the poor brute beast he is trying to make himself out to be, but one who has within himself an actual part of the Supreme, and is a son of God – just as the leaf is part of the tree itself,” said Churchward.

“It is preordained that all chemical elementary compounds must eventually decompose, separate, return to original form, and go back whence they came. The elements having released the soul from its bondage, the soul – being governed by the same Divine Law as the elements – must also return whence it came. Coming from “The Great Source” the glorious triumphant end of man’s soul be – its return to God,” wrote Churchward at the conclusion of this book.

You are aware of the obvious physical part of you. Now tap into your etheric, emotional, mental, astral, causal, etheric template, celestial self.

Do you know what that is?

Your Soul Being, your animation, does not end with the outer layer of your skin. You might understand this better if you do not associate your Soul Being with something that is divine, requiring faith, which you may or may not have. You may be able to comprehend this intangible part of you better if you realize the Universal Laws of Nature, the Laws of Thermodynamics, which state that Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only changed. You are the energetic charge, a Spark of this same Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

Your Eternal Universal Life Force Energy extends far beyond you. You can influence others and others can influence you. Specifically, there are seven major expansive layers beyond your 3-D (third dimensional) physical self, which are invisible to the naked eye. These layers are also part of your electromagnetic DNA energy which does not end at the level of your skin. It extends out into your aura, the pulse of the Soul, your Spark of the I AM Presence. There are no barriers within these layers from one part of you to another part of you. You are born fully integrated. Babies may not have adult language to express their mind, body, spirit discomfort, but you will know the moment one of these aspects of their selves is out of whack.

These unseen Eternal Universal Life Force Energies penetrate and enliven the physical body, mind, and spirit, creating connections, including thoughts, words, and actions. This allows you to know and understand concepts and information you may have not learned in this lifetime. You have many dimensions to yourself. These dimensions are affected by how you think. Human belief systems can clog otherwise healthy energy flows, stifling and closing them completely, causing physical maladies if not cleansed in some cases, requiring an energy session with a competent energy worker to get back into homeostasis.

[1] James Churchward – Wikipedia

This post is from my copyrighted book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM. It is available at:

It is also available anywhere books are sold. The link above is the sale price.


Moral Dilemmas ~ Government ~ Politicians ~ Voters

Greed over humanity has reached critical mass in many lands in our world. We need to shift and include integrity in our humanity.

The following is a post from January 2, 2013. Truths do not change. Here we are discussing the same points to the same political dilemmas seven years later.

Moral dilemmas occur in every facet of life. One of our life lessons is to balance our needs with the needs of everyone and everything else.

When do we take care of our self, our needs, our wants, our desires?

When do we go beyond ourselves to include taking care of others, others’ needs, others’ wants, others’ desires?

It is important that we take care of ourselves. Self preservation mandates we take care of ourself first in order to have the stamina to take care of others, such as putting on an oxygen mask on an airplane before putting on your children’s oxygen mask.

But what is the boundary that marks the saturation point of critical mass of care of the self to excessive selfish, only self serving agendas at the expense of harming others?

At what point do we shift into the numbing state of egocentric blindness that appears to fall on our personal and collective moral conscience?

At what point do we stop listening to others’ points of view on any subject, and only listen to our own selfish and hurtful opinions?

Are we getting paid to do a job?

Are we students?

Are we in administration?

Are we appointed to the job?

Did we get voted in to do a job?

Do we listen to the loudest voice screaming in our head?

What is it that grabs our attention, and is important to us?

Are we swayed by peer pressure, popular opinion, financial, political or social gain?

Is it important that we win at all costs, or that we do the right thing under our watch at this time?

Is it important to eliminate all others’ points of view, vision and agendas in order that our own is the only light that shines, at the tremendous expense of human, social and financial sacrifice, as long as we win locally, nationally and worldwide?

Are we aware that everything going on in every country is seen by every other country, that we no longer live in Neanderthal ignorance, behind high walls, void of technology, science and education?

Are we truly living our conscience, our moral conviction in the face of all truths, not just the “truths” we want to see?

Do we make decisions based on integrity and honor for the good of all people, or based on personal, social, financial or political gain?

Does someone else, or something else own your soul, your voice, your mind?

Recognize that it is not socialism or any other kind of “ism,” to play your part in the betterment of humankind. Name calling another’s point of view is a deflection technique, rather than dealing with the issue at hand.

It is possible to sabotage all other attempts at the remedy if it is not our idea, our agenda, our platform. It is possible to sink an agenda, and a country, and the world if we choose not to be responsible.

It is time to get out of the sandbox.

It is not possible to build something up at the same moment you are tearing it down.

What is needed at this point in time is to do the job in a cooperative effort, making just decisions in the face of threats by bullies of every kind.

We teach our children to stand up to bullies, but it seems when it comes to healing us grownups, we adults have the backbone of a grape.

We teach our children to stand up to bullies, but it appears that political blackmail is tolerable to the paid-off politician.

We need to mature, abandon peer pressure, and do the job we are paid for, volunteered to do, or are appointed to do.

We need to be strong, courageous and valiant in the face of difficult and unpopular opinions of our time in every situation.

Courage is doing the right thing in the face of fear-based threats, in order to help humanity and our country.

It takes courage to act with integrity and honesty to stand up against friend and foe alike, in order to do the right thing for all of the people under our political or private watch, without tipping the scale of justice towards selfish greed and political and personal gain.

It takes integrity not to turn a democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship.

Now is the time for our leaders to be leaders.

Our decisions need to be balanced, or they will topple. The more out of balance the decision, the harder and faster they topple.

Now is the time for our leaders all over this world to build up, not tear down.

Now is the time to let the breath of education, science, wisdom, light, and healing to sweep through our lands, like a refreshing rain renews what was once barren, fallen, deprieved, and destitute.