My Angel Is Here by Wynonna ~ Celebrating our 25th Anniversary ~ John This One’s For You

Wynonna Judd

Wynonna in concert.

I Saw My Guardian Angel In A Whirl Of Fast Moving Iridescent White Sparkling Light

glowing guardian-angel

Back around the turn of the millenium, at the conclusion of my year-long Reiki Master Teacher course, as I was preparing to turn in for the night, I had an idea. Actually, I had been thinking of it for some time. My conscious mind reasoned that I was sufficiently advanced enough, in spiritual awakening and conscious realization of who and what I was, and I believed in angels enough, that it was possible to ask to see and meet my guardian angel. I was not fully prepared for what happened that night.

I had swept my aura and meditated prior to retiring, keeping the thought in mind that I would like to meet my guardian angel. I spoke to my guardian angel, who I had named Michael, and told him I was ready to meet him. I named him Michael because I felt I needed a very strong angel, like Archangel Michael. To this day I teach that everyone has his or her own guardian angel who they can turn to for questions and guidance. It is always more personable to also name your guardian angel. I always felt the presence of my guardian angel near me, ever since I was very young, especially in times of trouble.

I was staying in a dorm-style room with two daybeds, one on either side of the room. The teacher, Karyl, who was teaching this class was sleeping at the far end of the room, closest to the door. I was across the room from her, with a large distance between us. I had fallen asleep quickly and peacefully.

All of a sudden, I remember being extremely dizzy. I was so dizzy that I thought I might fall out of the bed. The bed was not moving. It was just that I felt so dizzy that I thought I might tumble right out onto the floor. I was afraid to open my eyes to see what was causing this. I clung tightly to the sheets and covers, and pulled them up to my neck, to help me not fall out of bed.

I wanted to see if Karyl was having the same trouble as I was. I peeked out of the corner of my eye at her, but she was rolled over on her left side, facing the wall, sound asleep. I quickly closed my eyes and figured whatever was going on with me, dealt with just me, not her.

I was laying on my back. I took in a deep breath. It felt like most of the motion was coming from the foot of my bed. I cracked open my eyes for just a second, long enough to see flashing, whirling, iridescent, brilliant, bright, white light. It truly was a white light beyond this poor description. I quickly closed my eyes. It made me so dizzy I felt I was beginning to get nauseous, so I closed my eyes again, and waited for the dizziness to leave me.

When it did, I feel asleep.

It was not until the next morning, when all the rest of the student teachers I was in class with, were sharing how the night before went for them, that I realized that I, in fact, had met my guardian angel. It did not occur to me at the moment this was happening, that I met my guardian angel, in person. I was the last to share what had happened.

I am extremely grateful to my Michael, my guardian angel, for making his presence known to me that night. I have always known he was there, but I will always remember that special encounter. I wish I had thought ahead of time to give him a better welcome. But it happened as it did.

From Michael’s perspective, he must have taken pity on the student of such profound energy transformational work, who thought she was ready for such a revelation. It floored me. At least he sees me, still learning and growing each and every day. I work with his encouragement, with the guidance and inspiration of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; the love of the Holy Spirit; all for the Glory of God our Almighty Father in Heaven. Thy Kingdom Come!

We are all in this consciousness raising, spiritual awakening together. We are all at the place where we are, at this very moment in time, on our particular journey. Not all journeys are alike. Not all of us are in the same place in our journey. It is more accurate to say it is WHO we are. It is part of the grand awakening within our hearts and minds who and what we truly are. Our journey of awakening transformation is deeply spiritual, connecting us to God, his Son, with the Love they share. It is the path I have chosen to take thus far in my life.

If you don’t like where you are at in your life, or the particular spiritual journey you are on, you can change at any moment. You are not a victim of your life. You are the master of your own ship. Use your free will God gave you to draw closer to him. A world of wonder awaits you. Have you made mistakes? To to Jesus and ask for forgiveness, and you will get a new start.  It is up to you to chart a different course if you choose to go in a different direction.

For me, I am heartened that my guardian angel saw fit to grant me my request. It affirms my faith that I am on the right track. I have taken numerous ‘scenic detours’ in life, as I tried different belief systems on for size, so as not to miss anything, as those of you reading this blog over the last 12 years can attest. But nothing feeds the soul as much as realizing Jesus actually meant what he said, when he taught us that the Kingdom of God is inside of us, in Luke 21:17, in his own words. That rings the truest for me, so that is the point of the diamond from which I will share with you all.

The kingdom of God, is in all of you, not just some of you, or in some special guru. Did you ever say the letters that spell guru out loud? Let’s do that together now. Say each letter out loud slowly: G-U-R-U.


Jesus can realign, make new, any missteps and wrong choices. God to the Father of Jesus Christ in prayer. Meditate on the abounding Love of the Holy Spirit. Nothing is impossible with God on our side. New beginnings are always wonderful.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Heart To Heart Prayer And Meditation

This beautiful prayer makes a meditative pause today, during the July-August 2019 Meditation And Prayer Intervention everyone in every country around the world is invited to participate in as we find time in our days. Scroll down to the post on how meditation and prayer reduced crime in Washington, D.C. by 48 percent. Let’s pray and meditate together and rejuvenate your mind, soul and spirit. Drink from the well that never will run dry.

This prayer was first published as “Ad Quem diu Suspiravi,” from the Latin of Alexander LeopoldFranz Emmerich, Prince of Hohenlohe, Bishop of Sardica. It was translated by the Rev. John F. Duston, S.J.


“He for Whom my heart was sighing
Jesus, now at last is mine.
I possess him and embrace Him
Sharing in His life divine.
So, my soul, with all thy powers,
Let thy hymn of triumph ring
And with holy exultation,
Greet the coming of thy King.
Sad was I. distressed and lonely;
Joyless was the path I trod;
He, above all else the dearest,
Was not near me – He, my God.
Ah! but then He came and entered
In the dwelling of my soul
And the deepest consolation
Held me in its sweet control.
Strong the sun, dispersing shadows
Lowering over the darkened earth;
Gently strong, the falling raindrops
Bringing wilted flowers rebirth.
Stronger still, the Master Lover
Dissipates my human fears;
Gone all sorrows; gone all anguish;
And the light of hope appears.
Now, the day in beauty dawning,
Now each hour till night from morn,
Breathes its happy benediction,
Jesus in my heart is born.
He who has Thee wants for nothing;
Thy possession, joy supreme,
Font of life with all its riches,
Happiness and peace serene.
Shall I not then, sing Thy praises,
King of kings and Lord of Lords,
If within my heart, I ponder
All the gifts Thy love accords?
As I hasten to unfold Thee
In my arms – myself alone –
Thou art rushing, gently, loving,
To enfold me in Thine own.
Let me count Thy gifts, dear Jesus:
Out from dark eternity,
Thou hast fashioned me from nothing –
Nothing and obscurity.
Thou hast given of Thy nature –
Human me, a thing divine!
Sharing, through Thy loving kindness,
Treasures that are truly Thine.
On a wind-swept hill, deserted,
In a stable, Thou were born.
And Thy death – ah, what a contrast!
Love divine, and human scorn!
These were gifts, but all above them.
Every day, You come to me,
All forgiven; all forgotten,
Smiling, gracious, lovingly.
O the rapture, dearest Jesus,
That Thy thrilling presence brings!
Take me in complete possession,
Son of God and King of kings.
Love of self – the weed most killing –
Root it out and in its place,
Plant Thy Love; make me adore Thee;
Make me love Thee by Thy grace.
Take whatever in me hurts Thee,
So that You and I may be
Joined in everlasting friendship
Now and in eternity
When the sun in glory rises,
When at night, it sinks to rest,
Stay with me, my dearest Jesus,
Loved, by Thou my loving Guest.
Let not life with all its falseness,
Let not Death’s relentless power,
Let no force, however potent,
Break the union of this hour.
Till my dying breath I’ll love Thee;
In my heart, I’ll praise Thy name
Till my human voice in heaven,
Joins angelic hosts’ acclaim.
Then, I’ll gaze on Thee in rapture;
See Thee as Thou truly art;
I shall love Thee – love Thee Always –
Soul to soul and Heart to heart.