Realize Your Christ Self ~ Laminins ~ Jesus’ Words in The Gospel of Thomas #102 ~

In our effort to “get it right,” we twisted it, perverted it, tried to control it, and used “it” to threaten you

When was the last time you examined your beliefs and compared them to what Jesus actually said?

into submission with hellfire and brimstone. And it worked for centuries. Jesus arrives on the scene at the time of Jewish law and the pagan Roman Empire, which sprawled over that region of the earth. What did Rome want to do at that time? It wanted to dominate the known world. It wanted people to follow blindly, or else some horrible threat would occur. How better to gain control and power over the people than to hijack the mission of Jesus and contort his words of Life into the words of life for the Roman Empire? Look at what has happened to this very day. Have you noticed the Roman Catholic Church, and every other branch from it, in every single city and town covering the globe? Each one of these varied religions claim to be the One True Religion. Whether it is Orthodox, Protestant, or any other religion meant to tell you how to think and not think, or read and not read, with some dastardly threat to your personhood or your God given Soul/Spirit, it becomes apparent that we have allowed ourselves to be the pawns in someone else’s Game of Thrones.

Please keep reading until you get to the part about Laminins, the protein, cell adhesion molecule, at the end of this post.

Jesus said, in the Gospel of Thomas #102, “Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a dog lying in the manger of the cattle; for he neither eats nor does he let the cattle eat.” They did not have it straight and therefore could not teach what they themselves did not know.

Jesus arrives at the time of Jewish law, control and subversion. Jesus is trying to wake up a sleeping world that does not really want to wake up. Oh, they want to wake up and be freed, but only to go under someone else’s thumb. They fail to realize the reality of the Presence of the Christ within them. If they had not misunderstood the mission of the Christ in the first place, there would be no need for the Words and Works of Jesus. They would have it already. But they did not. Many people today still do not know, nor in some cases, do not even want to know the Words of Jesus that would free them from the control other human beings who have ignorantly, yet powerfully placed heavy burdens upon their hearts, minds and souls.

There is a dichotomy in today’s world where humankind has inside ourselves the Divine Image, a share of the Holy Spirit WITHIN our Spirit which is side by side the human image. We have free will and can choose to recognize either, both, or neither one or the other aspects of ourselves. The Divine Presence comes to us through the Crystal Cord, also known as the Silver Cord, our etheric umbilical cord to our Holy Christ Self. Everyone has this. It is what keeps us alive until it goes back to God. This is why I have ALWAYS felt I was in the palm of God’s hand. We all are.

Why are we so afraid to think? Why are we afraid to think for ourselves? Why are we afraid to think and allow ourselves to read ALL of the words of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures? Why are we afraid to research ALL of the sacred scriptures that were revered for four hundred years after Jesus?

So many have bought into the control-system lie that you are good for nothing; you are sinners; you are the problem with Original Sin; that you are not living with the Spirit of the Christ WITHIN your very Soul. If you are alive and reading this, you have the Spirit of Christ living WITHIN YOU, as Jesus says in Luke 17:21. This “kingdom of God,” is the very Christ WITHIN you. This Christ Presence is the pulse of your Soul. It is your I AM Presence.

In the Secret Book of James (2,7-3,38), Jesus tells the twelve disciples, “You have been favored through the Father to receive my sayings. The other disciples also have written my sayings in their books, as if they have understood, but be careful. They have done their work without really understanding. They have listened to foolish people, and they have not understood.”

Brave souls have gone before us, like Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and many others who HAVE dared to understand that Jesus the Christ actually said what he meant. If we take his Word at face value rather than with the human spin of our brand of religious thought, we get an entirely different, Life affirming Spirit of the Christ inflamed by this knowledge WITHIN our Souls.

Jesus is not the one and only Christ. Jesus told us we could do the works he did and even greater besides, in John 14:12 of today’s Bible. He meant it. Coming from the mindset of centuries of suppression of truth, and suppression of common men and especially supression of women, so many of us still place the heirachy of churches and their clerics above the worth of Christ living and breathing WITHIN their very selves. Jesus came to wake all of us up to Christ living WITHIN each and every one of us.

Depending on how you were raised and indoctrinated into a particular belief system at an early age, or not, your mind might shun or accept the truth of the Words of Jesus. There is a tendency to believe the Words of Jesus with the particular “spin” placed upon them with particular meanings other than what the words say. And some of us simply throw out all the Words of Jesus, for one reason or another. I would encourage everyone to keep searching. The library of sacred scrolls found at Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea provide a wealth of inspiration, liberation and enlightenment for your own God-Seeded Soul, your Christ Self. If Jesus quoted from them, as in the Book of Enoch, we ought to use our God-given free will to read these sacred scriptures, without the human spin of “God is in charge of what He puts in the Bible.”

We have free will, no matter what country you come from. Free will is God-given and no one can take that away. You are free to think, read, speak and act in the way you feel is best for you. Mankind is not in charge of God. God has established his kingdom with Christ as the victor. God wins now, and at the end of time.

Now, what does any of this have to do with Laminins? What are Laminins?

Laminins are protein molecules, cell adhesion molecules. We have anywhere from 10,000-60,000 of them holding our body together WITHIN every system of the human body, literally, according to molecular biologists. I understand this as Laminins also having a direct link to our God Particle, CONSCIOUS INTELLIGENCE at work WITHIN the body, and HOW God works WITHIN the body. Laminins organize and tell our cells what their job is in the body. They are like rebar, the steel WITHIN our physical structure, holding the body together. You can think of it as the “glue” holding us together. Next comes the amazing part, at least to me.


Colossians 1:17 says, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Notice the cross shape of the Laminin on the right, and the particular electron Laminin protein molecule on the left. It is CONSCIOUS, INTELLIGENT, and LIVING. Not only is our Soul/Spirit the Living Christ Presence WITHIN us, but here we have CONSCIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE, and LIFE WITHIN our physical structure, our own physical body.

Let us do our part in waking up to who we really are, complete with our Christ Selves, our I AM Presence.

The God in Me recognizes the God in You
Have A Beautiful day!