How To Heal The United States of America

This is the American flag flown at Tantasqua Regional High School, a five-town regional school system located at 320A Brookfield Rd, Fiskdale, MA 01518. The flag is a symbol of unity not just for Republicans, nor only for Democrats, but for all Americans who love the United States of America.

Just like Tantasqua Regional School System, including the towns of Brimfield, Brookfield, Holland, Sturbridge (Fiskdale), and Wales is a unified system, the United States of America is also unified, composed of 50 statesfederal district and five inhabited territories. Note that Alaska, Hawaii, and territories are shown at different scales and that the Aleutian Islands and the uninhabited northwestern Hawaiian Islands are omitted from this map.

Attributing the author: By User:Wapcaplet, edited by User:Ed g2s, User:Dbenbenn – File:Map_of_USA_with_state_names_2.svg, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The following was so well written by my author husband that I am sharing his pearls of wisdom with you here in this post with his permission.

Just a note for my right leaning friends from my left leaning self as we near voting day:

TOPSHOT – Police officers kneel during a rally in Coral Gables, Florida on May 30, 2020 in response to the recent death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died while being arrested and pinned to the ground by a Minneapolis police officer. – Clashes broke out and major cities imposed curfews as America began another night of unrest Saturday with angry demonstrators ignoring warnings from President Donald Trump that his government would stop violent protests over police brutality “cold.” (Photo by Eva Marie UZCATEGUI / AFP) (Photo by EVA MARIE UZCATEGUI/AFP via Getty Images)

They say we want to disband police departments (and that we hate the police): we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and unnecessary police brutality and for those who abuse their power to be held accountable.

They say we want to release all prisoners: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and ensure the punishments match the crimes and to de-privatize prisons.

We are all in the same boat, all nations, all people of Earth.

They say we want open borders: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want asylum seekers to be given their chance to seek asylum. We want to help people who are coming from unimaginable terror and poverty help to give them the chances we have. We want to ensure children aren’t separated from their parents and that nobody is kept in cages. But we do want proper vetting.

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims

They say we want to take away your guns: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want logical gun control to help prevent mass shootings.

Humans are all the same, with the God-given free will to practice their faith and worship freely. Picture courtesy of J. Krishnamurti.

They say we want to wage a war on Christianity and Christian values: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all religions to be able to practice and worship freely.

They say we want to get everything for free: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to work hard and make sure that healthcare and education are affordable for all.

They say we want a war against traditional marriage: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all sexual orientations to be able to love freely, no matter who you love.

They say we want to destroy or rewrite history: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to recognize the ugly parts of our past and do everything we can to say, “that’s not okay, let’s not honor those aggressors, let’s not let those things happen again.”

They say we want to take away your constitutional rights: we don’t, that’s a lie. We choose to believe science and wear masks and try to prevent the spread of this disease.

This is what the United States really looks like, a microcosm of humanity.

They say we hate America: we don’t, that’s a lie. We just recognize our faults and want us to do better, be better.

Stop with the us vs. them.

Stop with the straw man arguments.

Stop with the fake news. Stop with Fox News.

Our position is one of empathy, compassion and logic.

Stop believing the hype.

Stop with the division.

We are all equal under the law, and the Constitution of the United States.

We want equality for all. That doesn’t mean we want to take anything away from you.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Adolf Hitler Led A Failed Coup ~ Was Treated Leniently ~ We Must Not Imitate The Worst Disaster In The History Of The Civilized World

History is one of the best tells on human behavior. History repeats itself when we do not pay attention. History matters.

Auschwitz, Germany

Our thoughts, words and actions have consequences.

Denial, lies, and conspiracies can never stand in the light of truth. Truth is the only saving power in the face of malevolent forces with self-serving and greedy agendas. Thank God for those who see and stand up for truth in the midst of unpopular opinions seeded by denial, lies, and conspiracies. Hopefully honesty and integrity are stronger motivating forces than self-dealing and killing our democracy for which was so hard fought. May others not cave to the embarrassment of realizing they have been lied to, and recognize truth over fiction and delusion.

Democracy matters. It is possible to lose our precious democracy. It is beginning to happen from within. We need to make better choices if we do not which to repeat the sins of the past.

It starts by twisting the truth, ignoring the truth, and trampling on the truth, all of which erode democracy.

You matter. Each one of us matters. This is not a sports team where we pick a side and stick with it no matter if they win or lose. What if people started saying that Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes played much better than Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback, Tom Brady, and therefore the Chiefs won the 2021 Super Bowl last week? It would be a lie, as much as Kansas City wishes it were not. But to say the Buccaneers won over the Chiefs would be a denial of the facts, much the same with the 2020 Presidential Election being stolen. It simply did not happen. Truth matters.

It is good to remind ourselves that we can back the wrong side of democracy through ignorance, while listening to the lies many promote. How do we tell if we are on the right side of the law? Some say they stand for law and order, but law and order is not the same thing as treason, sedition, coup, terrorism, nor fascism.

Close-up shot of the Liberty Bell with Independence Hall in the background at dusk. Located in downtown Philadelphia, this monument to liberty continues to draw crowds on a daily basis.

Liberty matters. We stand for liberty of all people, not just white people. Unless you were born as an American Indian, we are all descendants of imigrants.

Trying to suppress the vote of anyone for any reason is not democratic. All votes count, even if they are from black and brown people, students, the elderly, and women. Only wanting votes of white men to count is a white supremist agenda. Claims of voter fraud are attempts to thwart the fact that every vote counts, even mail in votes, which our military and many politicans use.

Voting is also not about red states and blue states. There are Democrats, Republicans, and Independents in all states. By the way, Jesus was not a Republican, nor a Democrat, as you well know. He taught the Golden Rule, but he also kicked the money changers out of the Temple.

Each one of us matters. We are more alike than the differences we profess.

The Genome Project, a scientific study done by National Geographic in New York City, using DNA from saliva, shows that all humans come from two individuals, Scientific Adam and Scientific Eve. We are all one, no matter where we migrated to after that. To say you are prejudiced against anyone because of their ethnic background, or skin color, is to say you are prejudiced against your very own ancestors.

The Genome Project, a scientific study done by National Geographic in New York City, using DNA from saliva, shows that all humans come from two individuals, Scientific Adam and Scientific Eve. We are all one, no matter where we migrated to after that. To say you are prejudiced against anyone because of their ethnic background, or skin color, is to say you are prejudiced against your very own ancestors.

It is up to you and me to stand tall for democracy. Pray for your country. Check out the news stations and the reasons why people are saying that President Joe Biden won in a free and fair election. Allow yourself to hear something other than the lies from those who possibly have told them to you. People make mistakes. There is a reason so many people have believed in the lies and conspiracies as if they were real news. Do not stand with the haters. If you are surrounded by people who hate as the glue that holds them together, find a new group of people, based on love.

Learn the truth. Stand for truth. Truth Matters. Democracy Matters.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere