Moral Dilemmas ~ Government ~ Politicians ~ Voters

Greed over humanity has reached critical mass in many lands in our world. We need to shift and include integrity in our humanity.

The following is a post from January 2, 2013. Truths do not change. Here we are discussing the same points to the same political dilemmas seven years later.

Moral dilemmas occur in every facet of life. One of our life lessons is to balance our needs with the needs of everyone and everything else.

When do we take care of our self, our needs, our wants, our desires?

When do we go beyond ourselves to include taking care of others, others’ needs, others’ wants, others’ desires?

It is important that we take care of ourselves. Self preservation mandates we take care of ourself first in order to have the stamina to take care of others, such as putting on an oxygen mask on an airplane before putting on your children’s oxygen mask.

But what is the boundary that marks the saturation point of critical mass of care of the self to excessive selfish, only self serving agendas at the expense of harming others?

At what point do we shift into the numbing state of egocentric blindness that appears to fall on our personal and collective moral conscience?

At what point do we stop listening to others’ points of view on any subject, and only listen to our own selfish and hurtful opinions?

Are we getting paid to do a job?

Are we students?

Are we in administration?

Are we appointed to the job?

Did we get voted in to do a job?

Do we listen to the loudest voice screaming in our head?

What is it that grabs our attention, and is important to us?

Are we swayed by peer pressure, popular opinion, financial, political or social gain?

Is it important that we win at all costs, or that we do the right thing under our watch at this time?

Is it important to eliminate all others’ points of view, vision and agendas in order that our own is the only light that shines, at the tremendous expense of human, social and financial sacrifice, as long as we win locally, nationally and worldwide?

Are we aware that everything going on in every country is seen by every other country, that we no longer live in Neanderthal ignorance, behind high walls, void of technology, science and education?

Are we truly living our conscience, our moral conviction in the face of all truths, not just the “truths” we want to see?

Do we make decisions based on integrity and honor for the good of all people, or based on personal, social, financial or political gain?

Does someone else, or something else own your soul, your voice, your mind?

Recognize that it is not socialism or any other kind of “ism,” to play your part in the betterment of humankind. Name calling another’s point of view is a deflection technique, rather than dealing with the issue at hand.

It is possible to sabotage all other attempts at the remedy if it is not our idea, our agenda, our platform. It is possible to sink an agenda, and a country, and the world if we choose not to be responsible.

It is time to get out of the sandbox.

It is not possible to build something up at the same moment you are tearing it down.

What is needed at this point in time is to do the job in a cooperative effort, making just decisions in the face of threats by bullies of every kind.

We teach our children to stand up to bullies, but it seems when it comes to healing us grownups, we adults have the backbone of a grape.

We teach our children to stand up to bullies, but it appears that political blackmail is tolerable to the paid-off politician.

We need to mature, abandon peer pressure, and do the job we are paid for, volunteered to do, or are appointed to do.

We need to be strong, courageous and valiant in the face of difficult and unpopular opinions of our time in every situation.

Courage is doing the right thing in the face of fear-based threats, in order to help humanity and our country.

It takes courage to act with integrity and honesty to stand up against friend and foe alike, in order to do the right thing for all of the people under our political or private watch, without tipping the scale of justice towards selfish greed and political and personal gain.

It takes integrity not to turn a democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship.

Now is the time for our leaders to be leaders.

Our decisions need to be balanced, or they will topple. The more out of balance the decision, the harder and faster they topple.

Now is the time for our leaders all over this world to build up, not tear down.

Now is the time to let the breath of education, science, wisdom, light, and healing to sweep through our lands, like a refreshing rain renews what was once barren, fallen, deprieved, and destitute.

Author: Linda Hourihan, HHCP

Thank you for visiting my blog, which has 123,412 views worldwide as of today, including 203 countries, territories, and protectorates since February 2012. Holistic Health I am a 2001 graduate of the DoveStar Institute of Holistic Technology, Hooksett, New Hampshire, for both massage therapy and Reiki Master Teacher. I am now retired from bodywork and energy work, focusing on my online outreach to the world through this blog, Enlightenment Mastery. Blue Fortune Enterprises Publishing Company My third book is currently under contract with Blue Fortune Enterprises Publishing Company and is expected to be out within the year. It is entitled, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, and is a self-help recovery book for the spiritually hijacked by those seeking your personal power, fame, and fortune. It is the first in the trilogy on personal recovery, with the second book dealing with the vibrational frequencies of the angel, mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms reflecting the 13 chapters of the first book. The third book of the trilogy is the personal account of my life, how I got out of a cult, how I survived threats to sexual abuse, and went on to have an amazing and full life helping so many people in the entire world. Counselor – Practitioner (HHCP) I am an international holistic health counselor - practitioner using this blog as a worldwide outreach since its inception in 2012, and a 2005 graduate of the American Institute of Holistic Health & Wellness, studying under Dr. Dolores Seymour, author of WHO CARES WHY? I start holistic healing plans within my blog outreach without taking years of backtracking to find out WHY you think, say, and do the things you do. The American Institute of Holistic Health & Wellness is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Professionals, and the National Accreditation and Certification Board. This is a lifetime and international certification. I have studied extensively in the fields of holistic health in mind, body and spirit which naturally includes counseling on all life issues, and bodywork. I am trained in Mind Inspired New Dynamics System, also known as M.I.N.D.S. Holistic Alternative Psychology, with an emphasis on methods, individualized plans of action, fostering the ability of the individual to reach his or her highest potential physically, emotionally and spiritually; with advanced perspectives of positive personal growth, changing attitudes from negative to positive; enhancing intuition and self-discovery through creative endeavors, and improving health as impacted by psychological states. I work with M.I.N.D.S. Wellness & Body/Mind Consciousness, which features positive self-analysis/awareness, self-control development programs, conditioning the healing mind, controlling mood swings, anxiety, avoiding depression and raising self-esteem to its highest level. M.I.N.D.S. Meta-Psychology is person centered rather than technically oriented, and focuses on psychological health, consciousness, human possibilities, and challenges of body, mind, and spiritual development. A person cannot heal in any program void of attention to their own spiritual development. As a matter of fact, many mental and physical ailments can be rooted when spiritual sickness is at the root of the problem. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ESOTERIC SCIENCE I began discovering energy work at DoveStar Institute, taking years to become an adept Reiki Master Teacher. I felt there was still more to learn and took New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation™ (NPMDT™) from John Armitage, who co-taught with Germain. I noticed a tremendous increase in the flow of energy from Germain’s previous Reiki experiment with Dr. Usui down to present time. So did my clients, who were all over New England. Germain continues to work with many energy workers today, but I must say that NPMDT™ energy is extremely enlightening, like water rushing full-force from a fire hydrant as opposed the gentle flow of a garden hose of Reiki energy. Yes, Reiki still works, but there are many humanly contrived symbols which are not those re-discovered from the days of Atlantis which were initially brought to Egypt, then on to Tibet. The humanly contrived symbols will not be able to handle the increase in energetic frequencies as the march of time accelerates in vibration. Have you noticed how everything is increasing in vibrational frequency? The four major authentic Reiki symbols from Atlantis will be able to handle the current and future energy acceleration. However, NPMDT is the perfect match for clearing the fear, doubt, worry, anxiety without taking on human egocentric vibrations and can meet the higher demand of the increased energy now beginning to come through at accelerated rates without negative side effects. ********************************************************************************* New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation™ link: ********************************************************************************************* CONTINUING EDUCATION I am also a Qigong and Crystal Master Teacher. I am continuing in Psychic Mediumship this coming September with Medium Tracey Lockwood, who is a graduate of the prestigious Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Science. UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH INTERFAITH MINISTRY I have Master Certification in the Chaplaincy Program in the ULC Seminary, volunteering 45 hours of service at Harrington Hospital Hospital's Pastoral Care as a free public service to its patients. I have studied many religions in depth in my understandings and faith journey. I am an interfaith minister. As a life-long learner, I hold a Doctor of Spiritual Awareness, and Doctor of Universal Order Certification from the ULC Seminary. Jesus Christ told us in Luke 17:20-21 that the Light of the eternal Christ, which is the Kingdom of God, is WITHIN each one of us. This is the I AM Presence, our God Particle. We have free will to decide to wake up to this fact or remain in denial of who and what we truly are. Most religions teach about the 15 years of the life of Jesus. I also teach about those 18 lost years of Jesus while he was in India. I believe in science, including psychic science, which to me, includes truth hidden in the books of sacred scriptures found and preserved in the caves at Nag Hammadi, Egypt. Please know there is much more than you have been told. I will share what I have discovered here with you. Publications MYSTERY OF THE STURBRIDGE KEYS VIRTUE OF VIRTUES I am a former reporter and feature writer for The Milford Daily News and Laconia Daily Sun, with features published in The Connecticut Post Newspaper; and also published in the book, "More Weddings, Funerals And Rites of Passage," subtitled "More Sample Ceremonies for Celebrants, Officiate and Ministers" by Rev. Amy E. Long. I am among the contributing authors. Now my writing is published in magazines, newspapers, books, and this blog worldwide. ********************************************************************************* This blog addresses the complete tripod of mental health, physical health, and spiritual health. There are drugless therapies that work very well most of the time when applied, and have no chemical side effects, obviously, except when they are not followed. Memberships I am a former member of the Branford Hall Career Institute Advisory Board; and former owner of The Massage Clinic, LLC which had four offices in Connecticut from 2003-2011. I personally worked on over 5,000 of the 8,000 clients that came to my offices in Stratford, Milford, Orange, and West Haven, Connecticut. I hired nine other therapists to work alongside me. I am a member of the New Paradigm MDT Americas Association, and the British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA), which is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA). I am also a member of The Planetary Society, which is interested in exploring worlds, find life, and defend earth from asteroids, while promoting education and public outreach, space policy and advocacy, science and technology, with global collaboration, including NASA on investigating how sunlight will propel space exploration further. LEGACY My legacy is my blog,, a healing gift to the world in need of hope, kindness, empathy, compassion, encouragement, truth, forgiveness, faith, and love. The single most constant in my life is Eternal Universal Life Force Energy (God). You and I are part of this manifested glory, with Dharma and Karma to realize. My motto in my high school yearbook was, "With God, all things are possible," which is still true to this day. I have had a close walk with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit since I was a very young child, over six decades ago. I have taught Bible studies for people of all ages, from children in every grade school level as well as adults for over 50 years. Jesus Christ spent his missing years, from 13-30 years old in India; and came to the people of Earth to free everyone from religious control-systems. I also teach what Jesus taught from The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, and all Sacred Scriptures found at Nag Hammadi, and the Books of Enoch. Christianity knows 13 years of Jesus' life. I also shine a light on the remaining 18+ years of Jesus' life. Profound truths were omitted from today's Bible when it was censored in 364 AD at the Council of Laodicea. I include what the Church Fathers did not want you to know, and how they went against the teaching of Jesus as they threw out all women priests. Even Protestant religions operate under the banner of Rome since it was the fledgling Catholic Church that did not allow all the writings about Jesus to be included in today's Bibles. This means that the sacred books allowed into the Protestant Bible also came from the political and religious Roman rulers. It was not "God" who chose what books to be included in today's Bible, but men with an agenda, which is not what you might think. Understanding all the facts, not just what certain powers want you to believe, is vital for a healthy spiritual life. God loves ALL hearts because all hearts are the heartbeat of the Divine, I Am Presence in the world, regardless of current conscious awareness. Unilluminated souls simply are void of the empathy, compassion, forgiveness, Love, and Light that transforms to life when they lift their minds from the drudgery and torments of mundane human life to the infinite Life-Giving Resource of Living Universal Eternal Energy. We reflect God, the Spark of Light and Love which is made “in his image.” You and I are the living waters spoken about in the Sethian scrolls. Regardless of our beliefs, our Soul is the heartbeat of God within us. God is closer to us than our next breath, again regardless of our religious and/or spiritual beliefs, or unbelief. We are an intricate part of this Universal Eternal Energy, which has no beginning nor ending, just like the first Law of Thermodynamics explains: Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed. Your soul is part of eternity. Jesus taught reincarnation, providing us the ability to perfect ourselves lifetime after lifetime, as our Heavenly Father is perfect, with complete understanding of who and what we truly are in the Ascension process. There is more for us all to know. Jesus tells us to seek, and we will find. Namaste

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