The Prayer Of The Apostle Paul ~ From Scriptures Found At Nag Hammadi

CORRECTION: “The Nag Hammadi Scriptures is a collection of thirteen papyrus codices – bound books, not scrolls – that were buried near the city of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt most likely in the second half of the fourth century CE. They had been brought together earlier in that century and then buried in a jar for safekeeping at the foot of the Jabal al-Tarif, a cliff close to the hamlet Hamra Dum.” from James Robinson in the Preface of The Nag Hammadi Scriptures


Grant me your [mercy].

[My] Redeemer, redeem me,

for [I am] yours;

I have come from [you].

You are [my] mind:

bring me forth.

You are my treasury:

open for me.

You [are] my fullness:

accept me.

You are <my> rest;

give me incomprehensible perfection.

I call upon you,

you who exist and preexisted;

in the name exalted above every name,

through Jesus Christ,

[Lord] of lords,

King of the eternal realms.

Give me your gifts, with no regret,

through the Son of Humanity,

the Spirit,

the Advocate of [truth].

Give me authority, [I] ask of you,

give [healing] for my body, since I ask you

through the preacher of the gospel,

and redeem my eternal enlightened soul and my spirit,

and disclose to my mind the first born of he fullness of grace.

Grant what eyes of angels have not [seen],

what ears of rulers have not heard,

and what has not arisen in the human heart,

which became angelic,

made in the image of the animate God

when it was formed in the beginning.

I have faith and hope.

And bestow upon me

your beloved, chosen, blessed majesty,

the firstborn, the first-begotten,

the [wonderful] mystery of your house.

[For] yours is power and glory

and praise and greatness, forever and ever.


Prayer of the Apostle Paul

In Peace

Holy is Christ

This prayer is the first entry in The International Edition of The Nag Hammadi Scriptures – The Revised and Updated Translation of Sacred Gnostic Texts, edited by Marvin Meyer.

This two-thousand-year-old prayer seeks healing for the body and redemption for the “eternal enlightened soul,” which all of us who tread on the path to enlightenment can also apply to our lives. It begins with humility by seeking mercy. Light is a constant theme in Gnostic thought. Science tells us that Light is how energy travels. God is the Source of all Energy, including Light. The apostle Paul, you and I come from this Loving Light, which Paul personifies, saying, “I am yours, for I have come from you.” This is enlightenment, connecting to your Higher Source, in other words.

Biblical exegesis finds connections between “1 Corinthians 2:9 (where Paul quotes Isaiah 64:3 and Jeremiah 3:16) and 1 Corinthians 2:8 (where the term ‘rulers’ or “archons’ is also used) lead the author of the Prayer of the Apostle Paul to a Gnostic reinterpretation that transforms the meaning of the term ‘ruler’ from a political to a supernatural one.” From the introduction to The Prayer Of The Apostle Paul, written by Madeleine Scopello and translated by Marvin Meyer.

“None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” 1 Corinthians 2:8

The statement that the human heart has been formed by a psychical God (meaning lying outside the sphere of physical science or knowledge) speaks to the enlightenment of the human heart, mind, and soul. We are familiar with the physical realm of our experience. But the spark of ideas and esoteric knowledge enlightens our hearts, minds, and eternal souls with this psychical inner knowing and guidance. It can seem as if a light bulb went off in our understanding.

Jesus came as the long-awaited fulfillment of promises of a Savior, a Redeemer, the One who could bring us into more than a meager physical existence. We were sabotaged from the very beginning of human creation, as stated in John 8:44 where Jesus himself says:

Jesus shows us the Christ in the flesh, melding us to His Father. He taught us that we also can live this life in connection with the Christ each time we become aware of our I AM Presence, our Christed selves, the divine spark, life, and inspiration of our souls.

We were not abandoned because of our physical creation. Instead, God loves us and sent Jesus as Christ to show us the way, as originally intended.

Our eternal souls and our emotional and feeling selves, are our spiritual aspects in the image and likeness of the Father of the Christ. That is what our I AM Presence is. Jesus tried so hard to tell us this, for example, when he said in Luke 17:21, that the kingdom of God is WITHIN US.

The forgetfulness of humanity magnified with the densification of matter, triggered lack of knowledge and re-membering (as in re-connecting) who we truly are. We need to re-member ourselves with the Energy Source from which we came, when trillions of souls burst forth from the Light of All at the Big Bang.

What a beautiful wonder it is to contemplate the love of Christ for our hearts, minds, and souls.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

In Apostle Paul’s Prayer, we have an example of asking for the enlightenment “gifts, with no regret” so that we know to apply the teachings through the “Son of Humanity, the Spirit, the Advocate of Truth.”

Enlightenment realizes that my “mind (emotions and feelings),” “treasury,” “fullness,” and “rest” give me “incomprehensible perfection,” which is our hearts desire. Our hearts are restless until they rest in God. God experiences in and through each one of us.

Jesus taught that it is now the time to pick and eat the grains of wheat even on a Sunday, since the Love of the Father of Jesus Christ now flows through Christ to you and me today. You and I are Loved that much.

If humanity had been allowed to continue reading the sacred scriptures thankfully preserved in a clay pot jar in the caves at Nag Hammadi, Egypt, what I have said in this post would be common knowledge.

Instead, certain religions have instilled fear and guilt in studying some of the healing and faithful words of Jesus the Christ. It is this same Christ that you and I awaken to when we allow our minds to be enlightened, to be further educated, advancing the knowledge (gnosis) of all that Jesus Christ taught.

Religious censorship, by hiding the some of the words of Jesus rulers did not want their followers to know, for unholy agendas, has stifled the faith Jesus came to Earth to tell us about.

The Prayer Of The Apostle Paul is a beautiful place to start, or start again, this journey of the soul, following the more words of Jesus, the Christ.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

What Is The Other End Of The Silver Cord Attached To? ~ Part II

One end of the Silver Cord, mentioned in yesterday’s post, is connected to you. The other end of the Silver Cord in this picture, looks like the Spirit in the Golden Bowl. It is on its way back to Re-Membering Itself to its Original Source, God. There is no division here. This is not a separate tool the Source of all Life uses to bring you to LIFE, or to Integrate you back from whence you came. ALL IS ONE. God told us about how this works in Eccelesiastes 12:6-7. This Silver Cord is our Direct Line from God to you. God, Source, Energy, however you perceive It, cannot be divided or separated. It is not “other” than God. The Silver Cord IS the Active, Real, Presence of God Living in your Spirit. That is what is known as your “I AM Presence.” This IS nothing less than God in your LIFE. This IS God.

Think of this for a moment. Your Spirit is a share of the Holy Spirit. From our very fisrt inception on the planet was lifeless until we had the “Breath of Life” blown into us from God, Source, Energy, however you understand this. It is our share in the divine life, life beyond the physical senses. When you and I draw our last breath on this planet, our Spirits go back from where they came, back to the Source of All Life.

The Silver Cord IS Eternal LIFE, IS God. Re-Member, God cannot be separated. We have finite, mortal minds attempting to grasp infinite, immortal realities. The Silver Cord is the LIFE of your Spirit. When our Spirit retreats, we are lifeless, dead. This LIFE of the Spirit IS God animating you. This IS your Energy Source, however you have come to understand this in your journey through your LIFE. We all have own own experiences, families, upbringing, and our own personal experiences and revelations after that. The truth is what it is, regardless of personal or group belief.

This is what is meant by the statement that YOU are GOD. If we only knew what This Divine Presence truly Is.

It is supreme lack of understanding to deny what God has, and is, doing in and through you and me. Some religions propose that God is outside of you. We know that this statement is false, especially if we claim to believe in the Words of Jesus. Jesus already told us that the Kingdom of God is INSIDE of us in Luke 17:21. It seems we humans only hear what we want to hear, and shut down our understanding when something conflicts with what we first learned or thought. We go into denial and/or fear.

Fear is the result of ignorance. When we ALLOW and ACCEPT what Jesus and Ascended Masters have taught for eons, fear subsides into knowledge, gnosis. We have grown to know how things work with science, technologies, mathematics, languages, health, magnetism, electronics, quantum physics and the like. This is the beginning of enlightenment. We no longer need to live like cave dwellers. Although we have the free will to continue to live like cave dwellers, knowledge helps us to realize there is more, much, much more.

FEAR, as an acronym, means: False Evidence Appearing Real. Along with fear, tactics used include guilt, obligation, manipulation. These are all signs that your free will has been usurped. No one owns the rights to your eternal Soul. You do. God gave you free will, freedom to live and express your LIFE, LOVE and LIGHT.

How many of us cling to the beliefs and/or religions we were taught at seven years old, as if the seven year old has all the complete wisdom to comprehend the Infinite, Unfathomable Energy, God? It’s like learning that has been placed on a continual loop, cycling no new information, nor allowing in any other revelation. Know that Jesus came to Earth because we had it all wrong. We need to take ALL of his Words to heart.

There are also many of us who run for the hills, away from any kind of dogma. Still, ignorance is not bliss, nor the reality of your life. Just know there is more when you are ready to discover what I am sharing with you now.

Imagine lighting a candle, one candle from another. The source of the original candle is not extinguished, even if millions and billions of candles are lit from this first original candle. One Divine Breath blowing over the tops of all these candles can be lit at once. This I AM Presence, which is WITHIN YOU, the Spirit of you, IS God, sharing LIFE throughout all Creation and Manifestation.

Does this information rock your world? Do you still cling to the erroneous statement that you are all sinners, needing to be saved? Rather, you are all the Mighty I AM Presence walking in physical form upon this Earth, here and now. Who do you think it is who would want you all bound up by fear, lack of love, forever beating your breasts in lamantation, when so great a gift as Jesus speaks about, the Kingdom of God dwells WITHIN us?

The Cosmic Error, the famous fall from grace from the Perfection above, is the Original Sin. The fables and myths propagated through Earthly time from these fallen ones, have lied and twisted the truth to keep you subserviant. They have placed upon humankind the very dastardly deed they themselves have done. Many people still do this to this very day. It is a very old diversionary tactic. Notice when someone in your culture accuses someone else of the very thing thay are doing. That is what happened at the very beginning of human history. The Nag Hammadi library of scriptures explain more about this. Suppression of this library of knowledge only lasted for a relatively short, dark time. This library has now seen the light of day.

Part of this Cosmic Error is the fact that a human being with an immortal Spirit was created before Yaldaboath who is believed to be the “creator” of humankind. Read On The Origin Of The World, Codex 2, 103, 2-32. This I AM Presence WITHIN YOU has always been and always will be the LIFE of God in your Spirit. You and I are human descendants, through DNA and the eons of time, to this original human Creation, created by the Father of Jesus.

What has happened, especially since the Councils of Nicaea, Laodicea, Trent and Constantinople, is that the Father of Jesus, the Author of himself and the Creation of the spirals of galaxies, universes and the Cosmos, got blended with the lesser “gods” and their creations. Have you ever wondered why there are two stories of Creation in today’s bibles? There is a reason for this.

Sinister forces are at work, and have been since the very start, trying to keep the population “dumbed down” through the tactics of fear and punishment, especially with the dawning of a patriarchal society and ruling change. They do not want you to read these once-banned books, because of the truth they contain. It has been a control game from the start. You no longer have to be a pawn in anyone or anything’s game anymore. Once you know the truth, you become free to use your free will. You can choose not to go in a new direction with this information, but you cannot “unknow” that which you now do know.

There is only Infinity, One God, Father of Jesus. Keep in mind, Jesus said, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44. Why would he have said this if it were not true? No, Jesus was not speaking about something else. He meant every Word he said.

This verse has been contorted to mean something other than the words of Jesus actually said. We humans do this a lot. If we do not like what is being said, we put a spin on it until it is watered down to what we want to believe. I suggest we let the Words of Jesus stand, exactly as they are, without human spin.

It is Infinity, God, the Father of Jesus, and no other lesser gods that we are to treasure. Lesser gods are all part of our pre-history and history. We are not to worship man-made religions and man-made gods going by limited writings, much of which were hidden from our eyes.

The Father of Jesus IS our I AM Presence. Wake up to the realization that, since you are alive and reading this, you have this Precious Presence carried WITHIN your Spirit. When you meditate and pray, get to know this Glorious God WITHIN your heart, mind and Spirit. It is not any different than praying to the Father of God at any other time. God is not separate. Your I AM Presence is intricately part of your spiritual makeup. You and I are inseparately linked to God, Father of Jesus Christ, THROUGH OUR SPIRITS. This is what is meant as our Christed-Selves. It radiates in every single one of our auras. It IS who you are. You are fully human, and fully Divine. Depending on how we choose to use our freedom, for Light or for dark, for Good or for not good, for LOVE or not love, will determine how much we will help or harm humanity and the Earth.


Our Hands Are The Only Hands God Has To Work With On Earth

About 30 years ago, before his passing, Bishop George E. Rueger told me in spiritual direction, that we are the only hands that God has to work with on this earth. At the time I was spinning my wheels, trying to get closer to God, trying to do more teaching at CCD and adult bible studies, and seeking more retreats to get closer to God. It was as if I could just do more, or take the right classes myself, I could better understand what God wanted me to do and share that with others. I have always, since I was 14 years old, felt the intense need to be an active part of the teaching ministry of God. Bishop Rueger told me, “Our hands are the only hands God has to work with on earth.”

Come to find out, he was right.

You and I are made in the image of God. How we choose to live up to the image of God is reflected in how we choose to live each moment of every day in the years we are given on this earth. We can act on this or not. We are guided by life-saving rules of how to treat God the Creator and each other in the Ten Commandments. Jesus tells us that he came not to destroy these rules, but to fulfill them. Then Jesus simplifies the  rules, compressing them all into one, and gives us the Golden Rule; treat others the way you wish to be treated.

God experiences through you and through me. Check out Ephesians 2:22 where it says, “You are also builder by him for a habitation of God through the Spirit.”

God is eternal, eternal wisdom, eternal power, eternal justice and eternal LOVE.

In Colossians 1:26, 27 it says,  “Even the mystery which has been hidden from ages from generations, but now is revealed to his saints; to whom God wanted to make known his riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you” and 1 Corinthians 3:23 confirms “And you are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.

Jesus said in Luke 17: 20,21, “When some of the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, he answered, saying to them, the kingdom of God does not come by observation. Neither will they say, Behold, it is here! or, behold, it is there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within* you .”

* NOTE: Many bibles change “within” to the word “among,” meaning the kingdom of God is outside of you, However, if you read down to the footnote on this passage in your bible, original translation say the kingdom of God is WITHIN you, as does the Interlinear Bible which translates Hebrew, Greek and English.

God Bless