Return Of Christ ~ Awakening Consciousness

When the song Aquarius by the 5th Dimension was a blockbuster hit in 1969, it was on the right track, mirroring the advancement of thought beginning to dawn on humanity. There were those of scientific minds who were quick to point out that Juipter aligns with Mars twice a year, and that the moon was in the seventh house twice a day, making it inaccurate from their point of view. However, the reality of the essence of the song Aquarius is that we are now ready as a whole, to advance in conscious awareness, which the astrological sign of Aquarius suggests.

The Bible tells us of the return of Christ. The manifestation of Christ through Jesus, more than 2,000 years ago, also told us Christ would return. This is not an all-of-a-sudden occurence. The words, “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” ought to give us a clue.

We are not going to see a physical Christ, in the form of Jesus or otherwise, dropping down from the ethers of the sky. There is not going to be a single Christ walking upon the earth. It is our own Christ consciousness that awakens. This is not something that died out in the 1960s and 1970s.

It begins to dawn on each one of us, that the Christ spoken about by Jesus down through the ages, is the revelation of our own Christ consciousness stirring us awake. Our Christ consciousness resides in our golden energy of our personal 12th chakra.

We know of our seven chakra system by now, and many of us know those beyond the seventh, and have already been activated to the 5th dimensional energies on the planet. But there are more, finer realities we go in and out of, even if we are not fully aware of the exact qualities of the chakras between the seventh through twelfth, or even between the twelfth and the thirty-sixth. Just know there is more to understand, and more to you than you fully realize.

We can go in and out of this realization by degrees. We can go in and out of this possibility thinking, until it settles as true in our hearts. There is a lot of pressure from outside forces to quiet this esoteric knowledge. Many control systems could come crashing down if too many people knew these facts. There is religious, political, financial and educational power at stake.

For me, I concentrate on what Jesus told us. That rings true for me, not what others are quoted to have said, but on the words of Jesus. We already know that Jesus said that the kingdom of God is inside of us from Luke 21:17.

He told us in John 1:4, that in God was the LIFE and LIGHT, and that the LIFE was the LIGHT of humankind. This is our soul consciousness, our God-soul connection, our very own God Particle. Jesus led by example and wants us to follow the understanding when he said “I AM the LIGHT of the world.” In these words, he expects us to follow in this way of thinking, promising that if we do this, we will not be in darkness but will have the LIGHT of LIFE.

He tells us in Matthew 7:1 to stop judging. He did not put conditions on that. He did not say to place judgments on the race, color, creed, gender, age, ability or disability, nor any other judgment we can place on each other.

“Believe in the LIGHT, that you may be sons and daughters of LIGHT.” John 12: 36

“A new commandment I give you, that you LOVE one another; even as I have LOVED you, that you also have LOVE for one another.” John 13:34

“Abide in me, and I in you.” John 15:4 This means we are not separate from Christ, nor from God, nor each other. Since we have free will, this is not thrust upon us. Rather, we by choice in our hearts, minds and voices, welcome in Jesus and his teachings specifically into our hearts, so he in turn, gathers us into his; his heart being one and the same with God the Father; meaning we are also joined to the Father of All Creation, with Jesus, as One LOVE. All Is One.

Please know there is more that Jesus told his apostles, more than what is now in current bibles. It is said that if all the things that Jesus said and taught were written down, there would not be enough room in the world to hold all the books containing the added information he taught.

I have witnessed first hand, how some religious, political, financial and educational people have manipulated the words of Jesus into a wide variety of control systems, designed to inflict fear, guilt and shame unless you give up your free will and become thought-slaves. If one of the ways to belong to their “club” is to give up your God-given free will, run away as fast as you can. Do not join this cult, or any other “ism.”

In our conscious awakening, something happens, as if light bulbs go off in our heads. New revelations come to our understanding in ways we had not considered before.

Your and my soul connection to God is what I call our Divine connection, our I AM Presence. If this were possible to see with human eyes, as if we could possibly limit the presence of God to a cosmic tube of light often used in meditations (which is only used for the mind to grasp such a profound concept), we could imagine our eighth chakra, about one foot above our heads. This is said to be the Seat of the Soul.

You can continue to imagine allowing the flow of energetic knowledge from your twelfth chakra which is the home of your Christ consciousness, into your etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This knowledge is expansive, transformative, enlightening and  is shared with your intellectual and physical bodies as well, when you are ready to assimilate it.

Understand that this visualization would be equal to the dissecting of God, which is obviously not possible. This is simply a way of grasping and sharing soul knowledge.

In reality, God is closer to you than your next breath. You do not need to meditate, visualize or think about it. You do not even need to believe any of this. But without your next breath, you, in fact, cease to be. God is closer to you than your next breath, in reality. Your soul, your spirit, the essence of who and what you are, revert back to its Source. this visualization would be equal to the dissecting of God, which is obviously not possible.

As stated in previous posts, you and I and everyone around us are on our own personal journeys, each with his or her own spiritual awakenings, life experiences, family histories, and personalities. How much you grow in the character development of your psyche and your soul depends on how free your and my free will is. There are times we shut ourselves down out of fear or safety. But if we allow ourselves to expand in consciounsess and greater awareness of who and what we are called to be in this life, then a whole new world of opportunity opens for us.

You can work with your guardian angel, other angels of LOVE and LIGHT who have perfected these understandings already.

You and I have manifested a world in which we live, with all of its current realities of unbalance within humanity, climate and governance. We can choose to use our free will to bring balance, LOVE and LIGHT to all of these situations.

Why are you here on this planet at this time?




I Saw My Guardian Angel In A Whirl Of Fast Moving Iridescent White Sparkling Light

glowing guardian-angel

Back around the turn of the millenium, at the conclusion of my year-long Reiki Master Teacher course, as I was preparing to turn in for the night, I had an idea. Actually, I had been thinking of it for some time. My conscious mind reasoned that I was sufficiently advanced enough, in spiritual awakening and conscious realization of who and what I was, and I believed in angels enough, that it was possible to ask to see and meet my guardian angel. I was not fully prepared for what happened that night.

I had swept my aura and meditated prior to retiring, keeping the thought in mind that I would like to meet my guardian angel. I spoke to my guardian angel, who I had named Michael, and told him I was ready to meet him. I named him Michael because I felt I needed a very strong angel, like Archangel Michael. To this day I teach that everyone has his or her own guardian angel who they can turn to for questions and guidance. It is always more personable to also name your guardian angel. I always felt the presence of my guardian angel near me, ever since I was very young, especially in times of trouble.

I was staying in a dorm-style room with two daybeds, one on either side of the room. The teacher, Karyl, who was teaching this class was sleeping at the far end of the room, closest to the door. I was across the room from her, with a large distance between us. I had fallen asleep quickly and peacefully.

All of a sudden, I remember being extremely dizzy. I was so dizzy that I thought I might fall out of the bed. The bed was not moving. It was just that I felt so dizzy that I thought I might tumble right out onto the floor. I was afraid to open my eyes to see what was causing this. I clung tightly to the sheets and covers, and pulled them up to my neck, to help me not fall out of bed.

I wanted to see if Karyl was having the same trouble as I was. I peeked out of the corner of my eye at her, but she was rolled over on her left side, facing the wall, sound asleep. I quickly closed my eyes and figured whatever was going on with me, dealt with just me, not her.

I was laying on my back. I took in a deep breath. It felt like most of the motion was coming from the foot of my bed. I cracked open my eyes for just a second, long enough to see flashing, whirling, iridescent, brilliant, bright, white light. It truly was a white light beyond this poor description. I quickly closed my eyes. It made me so dizzy I felt I was beginning to get nauseous, so I closed my eyes again, and waited for the dizziness to leave me.

When it did, I feel asleep.

It was not until the next morning, when all the rest of the student teachers I was in class with, were sharing how the night before went for them, that I realized that I, in fact, had met my guardian angel. It did not occur to me at the moment this was happening, that I met my guardian angel, in person. I was the last to share what had happened.

I am extremely grateful to my Michael, my guardian angel, for making his presence known to me that night. I have always known he was there, but I will always remember that special encounter. I wish I had thought ahead of time to give him a better welcome. But it happened as it did.

From Michael’s perspective, he must have taken pity on the student of such profound energy transformational work, who thought she was ready for such a revelation. It floored me. At least he sees me, still learning and growing each and every day. I work with his encouragement, with the guidance and inspiration of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; the love of the Holy Spirit; all for the Glory of God our Almighty Father in Heaven. Thy Kingdom Come!

We are all in this consciousness raising, spiritual awakening together. We are all at the place where we are, at this very moment in time, on our particular journey. Not all journeys are alike. Not all of us are in the same place in our journey. It is more accurate to say it is WHO we are. It is part of the grand awakening within our hearts and minds who and what we truly are. Our journey of awakening transformation is deeply spiritual, connecting us to God, his Son, with the Love they share. It is the path I have chosen to take thus far in my life.

If you don’t like where you are at in your life, or the particular spiritual journey you are on, you can change at any moment. You are not a victim of your life. You are the master of your own ship. Use your free will God gave you to draw closer to him. A world of wonder awaits you. Have you made mistakes? To to Jesus and ask for forgiveness, and you will get a new start.  It is up to you to chart a different course if you choose to go in a different direction.

For me, I am heartened that my guardian angel saw fit to grant me my request. It affirms my faith that I am on the right track. I have taken numerous ‘scenic detours’ in life, as I tried different belief systems on for size, so as not to miss anything, as those of you reading this blog over the last 12 years can attest. But nothing feeds the soul as much as realizing Jesus actually meant what he said, when he taught us that the Kingdom of God is inside of us, in Luke 21:17, in his own words. That rings the truest for me, so that is the point of the diamond from which I will share with you all.

The kingdom of God, is in all of you, not just some of you, or in some special guru. Did you ever say the letters that spell guru out loud? Let’s do that together now. Say each letter out loud slowly: G-U-R-U.


Jesus can realign, make new, any missteps and wrong choices. God to the Father of Jesus Christ in prayer. Meditate on the abounding Love of the Holy Spirit. Nothing is impossible with God on our side. New beginnings are always wonderful.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere