The Earth is also a radiant living, electromagnetic, centripetal, centrifugal, gravitational being, and home to our unique human family. Every single PERSON on Earth belongs to ONE HUMANFAMILY.

“The perfect Savior said, ‘The Child, the Son of Humanity, came together with his companion Sophia and disclosed a bright androgynous light. The male name of the light is Savior, the one who conceives all, and the female name is all-conceiving Sophia. Some call her Pistis, Faith. All who come into the world, like a droplet from the light, are sent by him into the world of the ruler of the universe, to be guarded by him. The fetter of his forgetfulness has kept the light bound, by the will of Sophia, so that the reality of the circumstance might be [revealed] through the light to the whole impoverished world, on account of the arrogance and blindness of the ruler of the universe and the name of ignorance he was given.’” The Wisdom of Jesus Christ, The Savior, Pistis Sophia, And Other Powers Appear, 106,9-107

There is a LIMITLESS LIVING LIGHT within each member of the human race. This Light of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy animates every life form in the angelic, mineral, plant, and animal kingdom, which includes you. This LIGHT animates the Limitless Living Life Force Energy of the Soul of ALL OF HUMANITY.

LIMITLESS LIVING LIGHT is the radiant Spark of Life animating all human Souls regardless of their nationality, race, religion or non-religious belief, gender, age, and every other distinction which makes every human being unique.

For example, Luke 17:20-21, has most bibles answering the Pharisees who ask when the Kingdom of God will come, verse 21 originally said that the kingdom or “Light” of God is WITHIN us. Later that was changed to AMONG us, since scribes thought the verse meant that Jesus was AMONG them. But that is not what the question asked, nor what the answer was referring to. You will find all modern bibles today are replacing the word AMONG with the word WITHIN, since that is what Jesus originally said. If your bible still has the word AMONG in this verse, check out the footnote at the bottom of the page where is says it means WITHIN.

The Catholic Living Bible, Luke 17:20-21 says: One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, “When will the Kingdom of God begin?” Jesus replied, “The Kingdom of God isn’t ushered in with visible signs. You won’t be able to say, “It has begun here in this place or there in that part of the country.” For the Kingdom of God is within you.”

THIS IS THE REAL REASON JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED, because he said that this Kingdom of God, this Light of God, is WITHIN each one of us. If God is within us, what need would we need of the religious leaders? It was the religious leaders who took issue with Jesus, and eventually caused his crucifixion.

Jesus never said that humanity is the cause of Original Sin, nor did he say you were a sinner, and that you needed him to die for your sins. This is the spin that was used to place congregations under religious thumbs of misinformation.

The Catholic Living Bible also says in 1 Corinthians 6:19, “Haven’t you yet learned that your body is the home of the Holy Spirit God gave you, and that he lives within you?”

 In this example demonstrating that the Kingdom of God, this LIGHT of God is WITHIN you, the Holman Christian Study New King James Bible says: “Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God?”

Not one of us is more important than the other of us alive on the planet at this time in Earth history. All human life is precious. All plant life is precious. All animal life is precious. Even all mineral life is precious, since many minerals are necessary in our vitamins for better quality of human life.

Notice what is happening across the globe, lesser mortals among us boasting that they are better, stronger, or are more worthy than their neighbors. They are not. Building up humanity is the answer, not tearing down. Finding peaceful resolution is the only solution to life.

It is the lesser gods, those who lie to you telling you that evil is good, who do not yet know the power of good over evil, life over death. Whatever you focus on grows.

Now is the time to focus on peaceful solutions, working with the Love and the LIGHT WITHN YOU in every corner of the world that can usher in help for our brothers and sisters all over the Earth.

The opening quote of this post is taken from my book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere