Melting The Melting Pot ~ The UNITED States of America

How do you melt separate, hardened, deeply intrenched ideals of how to manifest liberty, freedom, the pursuit of happiness and equality in a vacuum of consensus? It begins by acknowledging our common reality as opposed to the many factions that make us uniquely different.

Melting hardened hearts, wills, words and actions begins when we allow the wheels of progress to move. Now is the time to ignite the fires of the melting pot by finding common ground for the good of all people. We may have varying points of view, but to move forward as a civilized country, it is necessary to search for the solutions that can unite us. We are more alike than the differences we profess.

Once the kindling of the fires beneath the melting pot bring warmth to all the noble ideals within the cauldron, before the simmering of ideas takes place once it feels safe to do so, it is good to take an honest assessment of how best to melt all the ingredients you want to include.

Let us focus on:

We can decide not to change, stay stuck, and thereby regress, transforming the USA from the most democratic country in the world until we are reduced to a third world despot-led country. That is possible.

Democracy is not static. It breathes or it suffocates, like the flame of the torch of liberty. We rise from oppression by warming the hearts of all, and letting go of regressive focus, especially when we see the failues of cemented negative mindsets.

Now is the time to work together, finding new paths, while simultaneously deciding to stop negative comments.

We need to stop stirring the poisoned pot of dysfunction which has been the base in the last four years. Dump it out. Cleanse the heart, mind and will, and begin again.

“Four years ago on Watch Night (New Year’s Eve), my friend and mentor Valarie Kaur, young Sikh activist and attorney, launched the Revolutionary Love Project with these words: ‘What if this darkness is not the darkness of the tomb, but the darkness of the womb? What if our America is not dead but a country that is waiting to be born? What if the story of America is one long labor?’ Now Valarie and all who have labored with her can take joy from the fact that her words did not fall on deaf ears.” ~ taken from a post from Underfundamentalist – by Parker J. Palmer

God Bless

We Are More Alike Than Our Differences ~ USA Presidential Election ~ Have No Fear

middle school students

We are more alike than the differences we profess. There is nothing to be afraid of. Stop shaking in your boots. There is no reason to fear people of different ethnic backgrounds, different genders, different ages, different religions, nor any difference in skin color. There is nothing we cannot handle with peaceful negotiation.

Truth matters.

Spanish/Mexican land greatly exceeds the land mass of the 13 colonies in 1763.

The United States of America is founded as a nation of immigrants. We welcome everyone, not just white people from Eastern Europe. As a matter of fact, people from assorted backgrounds were already here and settled within the current borders of the USA prior to the westward push to the opposite sea. The indigenous people of our great and wonderful land are still here. We love them. They are all part of the American Dream in this beautiful melting pot of humanity.

There is no reason to demonize people. We associate with groups of people who are different from our own. In these

Just 249 years ago, most of the central and southwestern USA was Spanish/Mexican.

days before the November 2020 Presidential Election, including the Presidential Conventions and TV shows, differences in the beliefs of the parties are being highlighted. There is a palpable undercurrent of fear that is present. Fear of others, how they think, and how they look, is not the way to make the best decisions, nor is lack of understanding the actual history on which this great nation is founded.

This present and palpable fear between political parties has infected the base of each within this country. It is important to separate fact from fiction in order to make common sense decisions based on love for all of humankind, not hype, hate or spin of the truth. This is not like rooting for your favorite sports team. We need to make decisions not based on the popular opinion of others, but based on our own research with input from more than one credible source.

I am writing to you as a former newspaper reporter and feature writer for three large newspapers. I needed to get real facts from three corroborated and credible sources, not friends who thought the same way I did. When I covered local Town Hall meetings, which are the heartbeat of the town, I could not misdirect the information to any particular target audience. The news I wrote had to apply to all townspeople. It was their tax dollars that funded the government of their town. I did not have any right to distort the truth of my own personal opinion. We all need to investigate further than what one side of any issue is before jumping on any bandwagon that may take you in the wrong direction, simply because you negelicted to navigate the precipice just around the corner.

How important is it to you that other countries with autocratic and oligarch leaders not interfer in the elections of the United States of America?

How important is it to you that factions of other countries not put bounties on the heads of our American soldiers?

How important is it to you to have your vote counted in the next Presidential Election?

It is easy to see the fear instigated by those with fear-based agendas.

What is the best way to make decisions not based on fear, but instead on intelligent investigation?

Is money the bottom line?


It is possible to stop the runaway train of fear by switching tracks to the path of love, empathy, compassion, justice and liberty for all, as we profess to believe in our Pledge of Allegiance.

Let’s see, who are really illegal immigrants in the USA?

Who are the people we count as illegal aliens?

Who counts as legal residents of the USA?

Should we determine who is legal by what they look like?

Is the USA still the country who welcomes the tired, poor, huddle masses yearning to breathe free, homeless, tempest tossed, as the Statue of Liberty lifts her golden flame of welcome?

How far back should we look, to the Native American Indians? Well, no, we should not go back that far because then we would all be illegal aliens. Looking back at the history of the United States of America it is easy to see why the USA border with Mexico is such a hot spot. However, Mexicans were here long before we were, and many of them and their families never left. They still live on their original homestead. Some Americans think these people are immigrants when in fact, they were here for generations before we got here.

Spanish/Mexican land greatly exceeds the land mass of the 13 colonies in 1763.

Shall we count the Spanish/Mexican people who lived here in 1763, prior to all our wars with them?

Shall we include those people in the land before we arrived in all the conquests and purchases?

When you think of it this way, who are really the aliens?

There has got to be a better way for people of conscience, to resolve our current humanity and immigration dilemmas, that do not include a gun to someone’s back or face, and deportation of this nations’ children who are in this land of “freedom” trying to make a better life for themselves and their families, like we all are.

We can be so short-sighted. For Americans living here now legally, it was not that long ago, not even 200 years

Maps of the USA from 1776-1866, just 146 years ago.

ago, when our very own grandparents and their grandparents were immigrants to this country. Most of them simply walked through Ellis Island, signed their name, or an “X” if they could not write, to get in. We do need smart immigration reform that does not include inhumane treatment. The scarcity mentality based on fear, fear of others, fear of their beliefs, fear of how they look, fear of how they think, fear, fear, fear is the pinacle problem of our time. We are smarter than this.

We need to stand on principle, not fear of others. We need to be fair, not self-righteous. We need to empathetic and compassionate to the plight of humanity caught in the midst of inhuman actions in these extraordinary times. We need a clear mind not infected with the plague of inhuman actions to solve the problems facing us today.

This fear and demonization of others has infiltrated the small minds, greedy hearts and loud voices of a few of those among us. We need to broaden our horizons and find creative solutions that do not include the destruction of the soul and spirit of human integrity, that place all non-white Americans, as well as non-American people, in the same category as crimminals and drug lords. We need to address crime issues, but often it is the illegal immigrant who is the victim of the crime, not the perpetrator.
