LOVE Is The Only Answer ~ LOVE Is ENERGY

Maha Cohan

LOVE is the only answer to the cords of self-hatred that are manifesting upon the world today in the insideous forms of greed, selfishness, bigotry, and superstition, which are deforming the minds of many. It is one thing to reign in the renegade, insane ego. It is quite another thing to diminish our selves into little balls of hate.

Love, in a world ignorant of Love, is the only answer. Be the LOVE. This is not a LOVE that reaches out to grasp something or someone; no, it is a LOVE that reaches out as the angelic hand of Charity, both giving and receiving, according to the heavenly polarities, that we have become identified with the nature of the Holy Spirit of God.

LOVE is the answer to the COVID-19 response.
LOVE is the answer to climate change.
LOVE is the answer to global warming.
LOVE is the answer to sustaining the rainforests, the lungs of the planet.
LOVE is the answer to feeding the hungry.
LOVE is the answer to humanitarian efforts.
LOVE is the answer to immigration.
LOVE is the answer to caring for the poor.
LOVE is the answer to homelessness.
LOVE is the answer to social justice.
LOVE is the answer to racial injustice.
LOVE is the answer to gender equality.
LOVE is the answer to social unrest.
LOVE is the answer to political guidance.
LOVE is the answer to political gaming.
LOVE is the answer to religious intolerance.
LOVE is the answer to every problem in every country.

What is the nature of LOVE?
God is LOVE. God is Spirit, not an entity.

The nature of the eternally, living God is Spirit, Holy Spirit, as John says in John 4:24, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

There is no difference in the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, nor the human comprehension of the Maha Cohen. God cannot be dissected. God is ENERGY. Energy cannot be created not destroyed. Energy can only change its form. God is spiritual. God IS LOVE. Holy Spirit is LOVE. Since God’s LOVE is spiritual, it blankets humanity with the fulfillment of the essential needs of soul and body. You and I are made by and with the Holy Spirit infused in the “Spirit” of each of us. It is our God Particle, our I AM Presence, that keeps us alive.

We have work to do. The loveless world is in need of your self-sacrifice to LOVE when all seems lost.

We have free will to acknowledge, use and share the Loving Energy, the Spirit of God in our lives. We also have free will to not acknowledge, use and share the Loving Energy, the Spirit of God in out lives. How we use our free will in this life determines how many times we will reincarnate in order to manifest the glory and perfection of God, which Jesus taught us about in Luke 17:21, when he specifically told us “nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ for the kingdom of God is within you.” The Hebrew-Greek-English Interlinear Bible says the original words say “WITHIN YOU,” not “among you,” as some bibles say today, although most bibles are changing this back to the original words, instead of only mentioning this fact in the footnotes.

Notice Jesus does not call the world, with its warped sense of free-thought, nor liberty (for some and not for others), nor human-inspired justice, a peaceful and LOVING world. Jesus tells us to “be no part of the world.”

We are to transform the world, We have work to do.

We are told in Matthew 5:48, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” New Intertional Version (NIV) These are the words of Jesus. He would not have told us this if it were not possible.

Where does the nature of God reside?

The nature of God resides in all of nature, including WITHIN you and me. The nature of God is the flame and breath of the very life WITHIN you and me. It is ever-expanding, LOVE.

Who and/or what is Maha Cohan?

Maha Cohen can be thought of as the Holy Spirit of God; also known as the Ascended Master of the Power of LOVE. Picture LOVE coming into your heart on the Ruby Ray, direct from God into your heart. Meditate on this Ruby Ray as it melts away all that is not made of LOVE in your life.

How do you manifest into physical form something that is spiritual in nature?
How can you manifest LOVE in your life?
How can you touch LOVE?
What does LOVE look like?
What does LOVE feel like?
How can you manifest Holy Spirit, the Loving Presence of Maha Cohan in your life?

Today we see huge voids of LOVE in the world, in our countries, in our families and inside our personal selves. These pulsating voids of LOVE make their presence known in personal relationships, political arenas, financial institutions, business models and the thinking that fuels them.

Lack of LOVE is a dark energy which is self-serving, without regard for people, places and things that it adversely affects. Lack of LOVE is self-hatred. It is an example of the Law of Karma, where previous seeds sown of misqualified greed, selfishness and power manifest in realities that mirror the seeds. This should come as no surprise to anyone.

LOVE is mutable, changing and transforming along with our focus and intention. When we do not pay enough attention to LOVE within ourselves, our families, or our countries, we and they fall apart.

There is only one way to correct the lack of LOVE in our perception and our reality, and that is to begin to LOVE again. LOVE more. Rather than tear down, build up. In place of destroying the reputations of others, build up the good that you see in those people who you use your free will to help support.

Stop destructive thoughts, words and actions. We can all do this. We make mistakes. The more we recognize our failings, even in the midst of them, we can stop. Take a breath, and begin again with LOVE as the driving force to create a better life for ourselves and everyone around us. It all begins with you and me. It is an easy cop-out to point fingers at the other guy. Deflection and diversion never solve the problem. Deflection and diversion only make the problem worse. Problem solving is what solves problems.

It is not necessary to spend precious time ripping apart the character of a person or a country that is lacking in LOVE. This is simply a complete waste of energy. Positive energy, LOVE, is life affirming and energy building. Lack of LOVE is depleting. When we see greed, selfishness, power hungry individuals, the answer is to invite the Energy of LOVE (Maha Cohen), which is the Invincible Holy Spirit into the equation. Greed, selfishness and unrestrained power wreak havoc over every situation where LOVE is not present.

“Those who have not penetrated the spiritual realms sparkling just beyond their enjoyment of this earthly existence with its everyday montages of life and death – these have not truly lived.” taken from Lost Teachings on Keys to Spiritual Progress

There is more to life than earthly mansions, exotic vacations, physical wealth, pleasures, hoarding food and goods, and every other form of dominance over others.

“Jesus warned us of covetousness in the human spirit, as if we can duplicate the abundant life, fair and free and God-given by oneself unto oneself. And this, too, is karma.” taken from Lost Teachings on Keys to Spiritual Progress

I encourage us all to LOVE more, beginning with ourselves. YOU ARE WORTHY. YOU ARE LOVED, even if you think you are not. Know that you are LOVED! You are LOVED by Maha Cohan, the LOVE of Holy Spirit, mirrored WITHIN YOU since you have the Spirit of Life keeping you alive at this very moment. You are not only LOVED, YOU ARE LOVE. Realize this truth.

If your thoughts, words and actions have not reflected that you are LOVE, you can change this in the blink of an eye. Your free will is all powerful. You are in control of your free will. The will of others is not in control of you. It is not the will of others that determines what you choose to do in your life. Even if you are presently limited by a situation where you are not free to roam about as you please, you still have the God-given freedom of your mind to think your own thoughts, and pray your own prayers, that are always heard by the author of LOVE.

Life situations change all the time. The only constant in life is change. Not all change is pleasant or helpful to us. What is in our control is how we deal with change. We need to learn how to act rather than react. That helps us move forward, regardless of our situation. Plan positive solutions begin right where you are.

What is the next positive thing you can do?

You have the God-given gift of free will, given to you as part of your humanity. You can choose to use free will in any way. I suggest you use your free will for good, for the abundance of all good things, and for LOVE. Use your LOVE as the answer to any and every problem that faces you, personally as well as for socially, politically and in every other situation that requires your input.

LOVE is the only answer.


The Presence of God IS Within You ~ Be Perfect As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect

The Presence of God within you is your I AM Presence, the LIFE, INTELLIGENCE, and POWER that moves through your

Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
physical body. This is not just opinion. This is not a spiritual or religious thought. Maybe you call it your “gut instinct.” Or maybe you get a certain “vibe” from certain people or situations. Maybe you know someone is going to call before they do, or when you are thinking of them. Some say they are tapping into the Greater Consciousness. In reality, you are tapping into your I AM Presence, the Spark of God that Lights your Soul.

You might think of the gifts of God as simply the gifts of clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance, and/or clairvoyance, when these “clair gifts” are part of the abilities of your I AM Presence living within your Soul. Every human being has a Soul, if their hearts are beating and their lungs fill with oxygen with every breath. The “gifts” are not the beginning, nor the end, of your I AM Presence. Even if you do not have one of these “clair gifts,” you still have a God-generated Soul, that Spark of Life that animates you.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Jesus teaching in Matthew 5:43-48

This is how you and I can work with our I AM Presence.

Since we all have free will, we can act in anyway we please. We have civil and social laws and moral codes. We do not have to love our neighbor, or bless those who curse us, or any other “good” choice. Jesus says God will make the sun rise on the evil as well as the good among us. The evil among us could change their ways, and choose to work with their I AM Presence within them as well. But if they are choosing evil, they are choosing to not work with their I AM Presence. The God of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE in every corner of the Cosmos is not a contradiction with contradictory laws. Those of us who choose not to follow or work with the I AM Presence in this Life, will reap the seeds they have sown in their lives, either in this life, or in the Law of Karma through reincarnation.

Jesus asks us to be perfect as his Father is perfect. If it were not possible, he would not have offered it as a viable way for human life. There is a way to do this. It is the recognition of your I AM Presence, and working with this Flame of God in the Light of your Soul. It is possible to work only with LOVE.

Let us focus all our thoughts, words and actions on Love as the basis for everything we think, say and do. We can choose LOVE in our voting booths, to raise the tone in our politics. We can choose LOVE in our personal and public safety during the COVID-19 pandemic in our corner of the world. We can choose LOVE in our personal lives, in the decisions we make for ourselves and our families. Let us choose LOVE as we re-member who and what we truly are. Let us choose LOVE.
