Jesus Christ Was an Essene Manifesting Contact and Interchange with Brahminical Practices of the Indian Religion

Swami Trigunatitananda not only saw the manuscript in Himis, he also was shown two paintings of Jesus. One was a depiction of his conversation with the Samaritan Woman at the well. The other was of Jesus meditating in the Himalayan forest surrounded by wild beasts that were tamed by his very presence. In America the Swami described the painting to an artist who produced this picture.” ~ taken from the CHRIST of INDIA, The Story of Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri), page 16

Many proofs of Jesus’ journey into India, both pre- and post-crucifixion, were confirmed by Robert Ravicz, a former professor of anthropology at California State University at Northbridge. It is stated in the CHRIST of INDIA, The Story of Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri), page 17, that Ravicz visited Himis in 1975.

Many religions do not want you to know this. In the place of accurate history of Jesus Christ, believers believed what placated them for over 2,000 years, the first 12 years of Jesus and his years from his ages 30-33. It is time to take the spiritual blinders placed upon humanity by religious controllers.

Ravicz was not the only one to discover the travels of Jesus from Jerusalem through Syria, and what is now known as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tibet, now an autonomous region of the People’s Republic of China.

Wouldn’t you want to know all of the life of Jesus?

There is proof that Jesus was known by a group of extraordinary monk-yogis known as Nath Yogis, as mentioned in the CHRIST of INDIA, The Story of Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri), page 18. First Jesus was known as Isha Nath, and later became a Nath Yogi.

Regarding the Nath tradition, Bengal educator, Bipin Chandra Pal said, “It is also their conjecture that Jesus Christ and this Isha Nath are one and the same person.”

Vijay Krishna, who was a renowned saint of Bengal and a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, wrote a sacred text called, Nathnamavali. Here is an excerpt of what he wrote:

“Isha Natha came to India at the age of fourteen. After this he returned to his own country and began preaching. Soon after, his brutish and materialistic countrymen conspired against him and had him crucified. After crucifixion, or perhaps even before it, Isha Nath entered samadhi by means of yoga.”

The next part of the story is familiar. Jesus was presumed dead and laid in a tomb. Then comes the unfamiliar part which most people do not know.

Jesus was also known as Issa in some ancient writings.

According to the Nathnamavali writing, one of the gurus (teachers) with whom Jesus had studied, Chetan Nartha, while he was in meditation, had a vision of the torment of the crucifixion of Jesus and “made his body lighter than air and passed over to the land of Israel.”

After recuperating, the “resurrected” Jesus, as Isha Nath, then “established an ashram in the lower regions of the Himalayas and he established the cult of the lingam there.” ~ the CHRIST of INDIA, The Story of Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri), page 19

“The linga is the main object of cultic devotion in Shaivism (Hindu sect devoted to Shiva), serving as the focal point of worship in both temples and family shrines throughout India. Worship of the linga is performed with offerings of fresh flowers, water, sprouts of grass, fruits, leaves and sun-dried rice.” See:,sprouts%20of%20grass%2C%20fruits%2C%20leaves%20and%20sun-dried%20rice.

“This assertion is supported by two relics of Jesus which, as of the 2018 publication of the CHRIST of INDIA, The Story of Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri), are presently still found in Kashmir, protecting his staff, which is kept in the monastery of Aish-Muqan and is made accessible to the public in times of public catastrophe such as flood or epidemics.”

I heard about the second relic on the TV show Ancient Aliens, when they researched the relic called the Stone of Moses-a Shiva linga that had belonged to Moses and which Jesus brought to Kashmir. It weighs 108 pounds. However, “if eleven people put one finger on the stone and recite the bija mantra “Ka” over and over, it will rise three feet or so into the air and remain suspended as long as the recitation continues.” the CHRIST of INDIA, The Story of Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri), page 20

When proof of history shows up as inconvenient truth upon which humanity has placed their belief systems, such as truths now surfacing in the Old Testament in the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Books of Enoch, and the Nag Hammadi Scriptures; and including the CHRIST of INDIA, The Story of Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri) which I refer to today, and JESUS OF INDIA by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian which I referred to in previous posts, it is important for you not to stay indoctrinated.

There is a reason not all of your questions have been answered, that is, if you are allowed to think beyond with what religious programmers have saddled your mind. There is more for you to know about the complete life of Jesus Christ.

Don’t you want to know where he was and what he said between his ages 12-30 for 18 years, and if you hadn’t been allowed to know this before, also his years from age 33 into the old age of 120?

There is much more that he said.

Many have proof that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion. Simply knowing this causes a major ripple in cult-like religions that do not allow their followers to think for themselves without negative repercussions.

It is time to climb out of the adult sandbox of religious oppression and discover for yourself all of the life of Jesus Christ, not just 15 of his 33 years of public life and then his life into old age which most Christians dare not know.

Now is the time for spiritual maturity. Many Christians take note of Lent, depriving themselves of many joys of life, reliving the most horrible and horrific events in the life of Jesus during his trial and crucifixion, as if he died on purpose to save you from your sins. He never said that, nor told his followers to do that.

This is a false doctrine, according to every word uttered by Jesus Christ. I advise spending the rest of this Lent learning more about the Savior who came to release you from fear of oppression and grace you with the knowledge of the Love and Light of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy animating your very Soul.

This is the Light WITHIN you that Jesus did speak about in Luke 17:20-21. The first understanding of this question and answer session between the Pharisees who asked the question and Jesus who answered it, is that the “Kingdom of God,” this Light of God, dwells WITHIN YOU.

Bible scholars changed that meaning to say the “Kingdom of God” is among you. But modern-day biblical scholars are going back to the original words and meaning of the words Jesus spoke, teaching that the “Kingdom of God,” this “Light of God,” is WITHIN you.

The Hebrew-Greek-English Interlinear Bible is also going back to the original words of Jesus, agreeing that Luke 17:20-21 needs to replace the misinterpreted version it had been changed to.

This is something that Jesus Christ did teach about.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere.

The Light of the Star of Bethlehem is Within You

All human beings are born with their own mind, body, and spirit. This Spirit/Soul connection to what animates you is Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Knowing that is the gift of wisdom. One faith or belief system does not own “it.” If you are alive, you have “it.”

“When my husband and I first retired, we went to every church in the area to see what they were preaching. While some danced in the aisles with long ribbons flowing with Spirit, they were missing all the words Jesus taught. They only seemed to be aware of a few of His words. That church has now been taken over by another. Other churches had their minister friends yelling at them from the pulpit, while other ministers had quieter versions of the same edited bibles which omitted the empowering words of Jesus shining a light on the fact that the Light of God dwelt within their very beings. They did not seem to take the words of 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 seriously, that their very body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit that dwells inside them.

“Numerous books have been written about God the Father, and Jesus the Son. Historically there is this whimsical notion of an elusive Spirit of God, always referred to with feminine qualities. They have personified Eternal Universal Life Force Energy with genders, yet this Energy has no gender. Energy breathed into Adam by the Spirit of God, animates all human beings, male, female, and every other gender classification.

“Light is also a form of Energy. Jesus told us we are alive by this Limitless Living Light. (Light is how Energy travels.)

“I witness common threads that permeate various groups of adults, who cave to peer pressure, feeling that they must give their allegiance to others politically, socially, and/or religiously, while simultaneously, advising their emotionally and intellectually immature adolescent children not give in to peer pressure. These ones need to reassess their motives to be better role models for themselves, the youth, and humanity all over the globe. This is how to build a better tomorrow. Now is the time for courage. Courage is not having no fear. Rather, courage is feeling fear, but peacefully doing the right thing, the moral thing, with integrity, despite the presence of fear.” taken from my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

I have also officially registered my business, Universal Wisdom Enlightenment LLC. A lifetime of extensive research and experience is included in my books, meditations, and media. I share my knowledge, and how to get out of indoctrinating political, social, and religious cults if you find yourself in one.

The following is a link to purchase my latest book, at a 10% discount:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere