Limitless Living Light In You

“Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is Intelligence experiencing through you. It takes time to learn how to regain or maintain your own personal power, fame, and fortune after many others try to usurp yours for themselves. This is the Active Limitless Living Light animating your Soul until the day it returns to Itself.” ~ Linda Hourihan, HHCP

Recovering from past abuse and neglect, and excelling in character education and development, helps you mature naturally into the radiant, youthful, being you always were and are.

Sometimes we walk down paths that first captured our eyes and tickled our fancy but turn out to be the wrong vibrational path for us. Of course, we do not recognize this is the wrong path until that vibrational frequency grates against the grains of our mind, body, and spirit.

This is not a sin, just a twist and turn in your road of life. It is a learning curve because you did not have your extra-sensory perception turned on.

There are so many different dimensions to us, that the words, mind, body, and spirit do not cover them all.

Rest in the meditation and contemplation of who and what you truly are, nothing less than the recognition of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy working in and through you at this very moment.


Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant Beings Need GROUNDING ~ Don’t Forget The GROUNDING

For those of us with the gifts we recognize as claircognizance, clairsentience, 1 clairsentienceclairaudience and clairvoyance, we can become as if unhinged from ourselves, as if riding a bucking bronco has taken over us, while at other times, it is as if we have turned into a stone statue, immobilized by the bombardment of our extra-seneory perceptions. Those of us who have been inundated by such emotions can relate to the empty seashell sensations of the senses. These feelings are not something to be controlled, or forced by the will to obey. That just won’t happen.

What’s a person to do, who is suffering from sensory overload?

Trying to act as if you are fine, when you clearly are not, is quite a quandry if you do not remember to GROUND YOUR ENERGY.

While we know about GROUNDING, (we’ve known this since birth while playing in the sandbox and at the seashore), we forget about this in the midst of the very real crisis. The more you concentrate on how you are feeling, the worse it will get. (You know this from birth too). What you focus on GROWS. (You also know this). The runaway horse you are riding will keep taking you for a ride until you remeber who is in charge. The horse is not in charge of you. YOU are in charge of you. You are not only in charge of you, you are in charge of that runaway flighty horse as well.

The same principle applies with the stone statue analogy. You are in charge of your being, not the figurative glue holding the stones together. When you are ready, imagine your higher self giving you permission to simply melt the glue, allowing the stones to neatly form a beautiful wishing well, or waterfall.

If you say you can’t do anything, you are absolutely correct. Henry Ford, creative founder of the Ford Motor Company, put this in a nutshell, “If you think you can or can’t do a thing, you are absolutly correct.”

The mind is so powerful that it takes what you say to be the gospel truth, and makes what you say a reality.

Know too, that there is a way out of being immobilized, and a way off that runaway horse that hijacked you.

The key to regaining your sense of self, of returning back into your own skin, is GROUNDING. Here are some things that can help you, whether the COVID-19 pandemic has emotionally shut you down from being cloistered in your home, or whether your overlaod comes from your psychic gifts.


  • Drink Coffee
  • Eat Red Meat
  • Walk barefoot on the earth, in the forest, the beach, or soft green grass
  • Make affirmation statements like: I AM Love, or I AM Whole
  • Run cool or wram (not cold or hot) water over your hands, face or feet
  • Take a bath or shower
  • Hold Amethyst, since it transmutes lower energies to higher. Amethyst clears the aura and stabliizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy located within your body
  • Listen to your favorite music (as long as it is positive), and dance if possible
  • Hug someone or a tree
  • Do breathing exercises slowly in and out, deep breaths of 15 breaths (which also lowers your blood pressure)
  • Rub your palms together
  • Clench and unclench fists
  • Stamp feet
  • Mindfully walk, preferably outside
  • Write a list of things that make you happy
  • Dig in the garden
  • Water the garden
  • Read or listen to a meditation
  • Lit a candle

Reading this list might trigger some other grounding things you like to do.

Clairsentience is clearly feeling to a heightened degree both what you and others are feeling. When I had four offices of The Massage Clinic in Connecticut, I would notice that when I got feelings that were not mine. I would ask the client about the situation. Sure enough, I was able to help them come into a healthy sense of balance. Clairalience is the sense of clear smelling, and is connected to clairsentience. You are an empath, but you are not a victim of your gift. You can work with your angels, God, spirit guides and/or animals guides in working with you to adjust this energy gift. You also need to come to terms with why you think you were given this gift ( it is not a punishment) and how best to use this gift, for yourself, for humanity and for the world. How have you used this gift thus far in the betterment of humankind? Since clairsentience is a feeling gift, the above GROUNDING exercises are appropriate. Tell you mind to stop distracting thoughts during the GROUNDING exercises. Consciously focus your mind on the task at hand. GROUNDING usually breaks the overload. Pay close attention to how the green grass feels and looks under your feet, for example. Notice its exact color, texture, smell, etc.

Claircognizance is the gift of knowing. This is the gift I am strongest in. This is when you get energetic “hits,” when to leave a person, place or thing, or you find you know subjects that you have never studied, or you suddenly know something that will help you out of the blue, or informs you of some sense of danger.

While you may be stronger in one of these clair-gifts, once you start to hone in on one, the others can get stronger in you as well. If you have stopped in your life path for some reason or another, no worries, you can simply pick up where you left off. The gifts can diminish of you do not use them, but they also get stronger when you use them. I find it not as easy for me to feel overloaded with claircognizance as with clairsentience.

Clairaudience is the gift of hearing either physically or in the mind. I often get this directly upon waking in the morning, especially if I have gone to sleep with a question on my mind. That’s when I wake up with a short, clear message to do something. It’s not like I pondered over the thought in the morning. It is a directive. I always follow that one. Usually this is not a gift that overloads. It’s not like the directives are constant or overloading.

Clairvoyance is the power or faculty to discern objects not present to our senses. This one is cool. I can simply ask in my mind where “it” is, then I feel directed to go directly to it, even if it is not in plain sight. I have an uncanny knack for knowing where a lost object is, even if I never saw it before, or never put it “there.” Again, this is not usually one people feel overloaded with. I always say, go with the guidance.

I have also put out into the ethers the things that I need, with no direction on how to get it, like the day John and I were driving down the road and I said, “Hey God, I need a bail of hay for my strawberries.” This was a few years ago. No sooner had I said this out loud in the car, then we came upon a bail of hay, sitting by the side of the road where it did not belong, which obviously fell off someone’s truck. No one was around. That was a quick answer.

Remember, you control your thoughts. Your thoughts do not control you.

You have free will.

You are not the victim of your gifts.

If you do not like how you are feeling, CHANGE HOW YOU ARE THINKING.

Thoughts are powerful, but you control them.

The key is balance.
