Radiance of Love ~ Honor ~ Integrity ~ Truth Heals Disharmony ~ Deception ~ Greed ~ Lies

“Where your attention rests, there flows your life.” Ascended Master Light, Saint Germain Press

Whether its relationships, elections or anything else in life, whatever you focus on grows. There is energy to your thoughts. Now is the time to switch focus to healing our lives and our nation by building up rather than tearing down.

What do you wish to heal?

The radiance of love is all encompassing, turning dark to light, unrest to rest, and division into unity. It can happen in the blink of an eye. There is no need to dwell on what is not serving you, destroying your peace and joy, and upsetting your days.

You are not the victim of your moods. Your moods are the victim of your own thoughts. That is the supreme self-sabotage. Your thoughts do not choose you. You choose our thoughts each and every time.

Lesser mortals will try to place blame on another person, place or thing, but the reality is that when you finally decide you are sick and tired of any person, place or thing, you decide to do something else, put on different music to lift the spirits, or change your activity to something more productive. Until you decide to do that, you immobilize yourself. It is always your choice.

We are all the creators of our own realities. There are no victims here. Maturity helps us to realize that the light of our life is God in action within us. We can always choose better and do better. When we make mistakes as all humans do, we acknowledge it, forgiving ourselves and others, and move on.

Narcissists and egomaniacs have a hard time with these points because they do not comprehend how every dysfunctional thing around them is not the fault of others, or could possibly be their own fault, since to their warped and sick thinking, they are perfect in every way.

How do we move on when things turn out not as we had planned or invested our precious time and money in?

Staying stuck solves nothing. Having adult temper tantrums and blustering negative thoughts, words and actions into the stratosphere, only serve to embarrass the immature child inside the adult body. But all hope is not lost.

Instead, manifest the radiance of love, honor and integrity in your life. No matter where you are in this world, and upon which man-made version of self-important caste-class-ruler system you go by, you can decide to think, speak and act with more love, honor and integrity today than you did yesterday.

You improve on thoughts, words and actions of honor and integrity by ending the sabotage of yourself and others. Change is the inevitable part of life. Things never stay the same. That would be stagnation.

Shine your light on truth. Allow more knowledge in. Do your own research as opposed to spouting the group think-tank propaganda. Question any and everything that limits the God-given freedom with which you were born, religiously, politically, spiritually and physically.

Do the honorable things. Walk in integrity. When you do this, you become a blessing of light and love to this earth. We all need more of that.
