Is Death Only A Problem If It Is Yours? ~ The Problem With The Herd Immunity Experiment

Six to seven million people are expected to die in the United States of America alone in the Herd Immunity experiment. All the deaths in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq are only half of what we have currently lost in this COVID-19 Pandemic. Start the healing with healing measures of social distancing and wearing masks, which are proven to work. This is no hoax. Your friends and relatives are not dying of a hoax. The wool has been pulled over your eyes if you have believed that.

The idea to create a super, white human race capable of withstanding deadly pandemics belongs to a past, fallen Nazi generation. That ideology did not and will not stand against the sands of time then, or ever. There is only one race, the human race, of which we all are a part regardless of race, color, creed, age and/or gender. We are all in this life together. It is not up to the richest or the most politically powerful to subjugate the people of the land, especially in the land of the free, The UNITED States of America.

We are UNITED, not run by different tyrant governments of individual states. Rather, we a true DEMOCRACY. The United States of America shines throughout the world as a shining beacon on the hill, where truth, liberty, justice, and health for ALL citizens are at the helm despite the jealous factions nipping at its heels.

Wealth, politics, or race of individuals are not the deciding factors for valid personhood in the DEMOCRACY of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That is how dictators and tyrants rule, not a democratic republic of which we are.

The Grand Old Party, GOP, admits it is following a Herd Immunity track as a “cure” for COVID 19. Some of them are now back-peddling in the face of current realities. First of all, please realize that the Herd Immunity experiment is a fringe medicine concept which is finally being debunked. There is no cure for COVID-19, also known as SARS Co2, a highly contagious and deadly coronavirus. The vaccines currently available for the COVID-19 pandemic and are not cures. They are prevention measures.

The Herd Immunity experiment means that since there are 331 million people in the US and experts say 70 percent of the population would have to get the virus for herd immunity to work, 231.7 million of us would have to get it. Since the current death rate is from 2.6 to 3 percent of all those who get the virus, 6 to 7 million of us would die, in the worst case scenario. So if this is your idea for a cure, you might want to say good-bye to your parents and grandparents now.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center ( shows as of 12/22/20, there are:

+ 322,588 USA COVID-19 deaths in the USA

+ 195,033 new COVID-19 cases in the USA

+ 18.221 Million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the USA

The CDC reports 36,000 deaths from the flu each year. COVID-19 is no ordinary flu.

Deceptive information concerning people who have and/or die from COVID-19, is that people aren’t really dying from COVID-19, but from heart, lung, kidney or other organ malfunctions. This goes to show the ignorance of what COVID-19 does to the human body, and how it mutates in individuals who do or did have COVID-19, and continues to compromise their systems years later due to mutations.

By not dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic worldwide with stringent border closings, mask wearing, social distancing across the board rather than region by region, we are now seeing stronger strains of COVID-19 mutating among populations in the United Kingdom. Pretending we are above the physical pandemic, nor opening up social interactions before it was safe to do so did not solve the problem.

Beware of voter suppression tactics targeting Black, Latino, and Democrat voters. Legal voters are not only milky white people, and not only Republican voters. The United States of America was has matured past the ignorance of racist agendas, and welcomes refugees, and immigrants of all countries who revere FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, and JUSTICE for people. Every vote counts. Your vote counts. You count. This is our DEMOCRACY at stake.

Children do get this deadly virus and many have already died from it. They can also be carriers, spreading COVID-19 to others even if they show no symptoms. Taking temperatures and having fevers is a symptom of COVID-19 that may not show up for 14 days, while continuing to spread this virus.

Masks and social distancing are proven methods to bring a country to be COVID-19 free, like New Zealand.

Maturity is also called delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is a mature response to social dilemmas. By doing the right thing now, we can move past the juvenile approach of not wearing masks, and social distancing adult temper tantrums.

All human life is precious. We all matter. Human life is not expendable in a civilized society.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

The Problem With Herd Immunity Mentality

Six to Seven million people are expected to die in the United States of Americam alone in the Herd Immunity exeriment. Start the healing with healing measures of social distancing and wearing masks.

The Grand Old Party, GOP, admits it is following a Herd Immunity track as a “cure” for COVID 19. First of all, please realize that this is a fringe medicine concept. There is no cure for COVID-19, also known as SARS Co2, a highly contagious and deadly coronavirus.

This means that since there are 331 million people in the US and experts say 70 percent of the population would have to get the virus for herd immunity to work, 231.7 million of us would have to get it. Since the current death rate is from 2.6 to 3 percent of all those who get the virus, 6 to 7 million of us would die. So if this is your idea for a cure, you might want to say good-bye to your parents and grandparents now. Or maybe vote for someone who has a better plan.

Masks and social distancing are proven methods to bring a country to be COVID-19 free, like New Zealand. It’s called delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is a mature response to social dilemmas. By doing the right thing now, we can move past the juvenile approach to wearing mask and social distancing adult temper tantrums.

All human life is precious. We all matter. Human life is not expendable in a civilized society. We need to grow up.


So How Is Your Inner Child Doing? Updated 5/21/20

It’s as if we are all having flash backs to the 1970s. It would be helpful to re-read M. Scott Peck’s “The Road Less Traveled” from 1978. It very well could be the antidote to our grown up issues with our temper tantrum inner child. I can hear the echo of The Eagles’ hit song, “Get Over It,” as the remedy to “kick its little ass.”

How IS your inner child doing?

The Road Less Traveled is a timeless book on the benefits of delayed gratification as a means to living a more fulfilling adult life. It may also be the only remedy to living life at all these days.

Has your inner child been catching your attention lately?

Is your inner child running your life much to the chaos that only a two-year-old running the house can bring?

How are you with delayed gratification of anything?

I ask this question given the times we are living in right now. We are in the midst of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic, which has no known cure, is highly contagious, is transferable from person to person 14 to 21 days prior to any symptoms, and is not gone in many parts of the world. Two days ago when this article was first posted, the country with the worst batting record of winning the global pandemic is the United States of America, with over 1,490,022 cases, which is an increase of 18,937. These numbers continue to increase minute by minute. As I update this post 2 days later, currently the confirmed coronavirus cases in the USA total 1,551,680, which is an increase of 23,285 cases over yesterday, and an increase in deaths totaling 93,434, an increase of 1,518.

In Massachusetts, for example, three days ago confirmed COVID-19 cases were 80,497, an increase of 1,165 from the previous day. Today, confirmed cases total 88,970, an increase of 1,045 over yesterday. Deaths from COVID-19 today are 93,434, an increase of 1,518 over yesterday.

I’ve heard so many people say, “Stop telling the confirmed case numbers and the deaths. That is so depressing. Let’s start talking about only positive things. I’m am depressed, you know. I must concentrate on other things.”

As a holistic counselor, I have taught about the power of positive thinking in every session I ever held, for years. But there is a difference between denying reality by focusing on something that does not solve the problem and doing something positive about it to arrive at a solution. You and I cannot arrive at the solution if we do not look at the huge, extremely contagious problem with no known cure. Wishing it would go away will not make it go away. It will make it stay around forever. Saying, “It is not happening,” does not make it not happen.

Many states are in the same boat on the river of “denial.” That used to be a funny joke. Now it is a sad state of reality.

As a nation, we seem to be unable to do the adult discipline of dealing with the problem head on. If only pointing fingers, blaming, ignoring, and spinning tales could get us out of this one. Even though it was three months late in the game, we did manage to begin social distancing, and wearing masks and gloves, at least some of us did that, and some of us only after a penalty of $300 was assessed for those of us who stamped our feet and still said, “No I won’t.”

But that did not stop 315,822 humans from dying. Some will say that number is too high because some people who died in the hospital, who had COVID-19 really died from having heart attacks and respiratory and other failures. Even some of the people that denied that this coronavirus was nothing more than a bad flu and was a hoax also died from COVID-19.

However, the reality is that COVID-19 weakens hearts and lungs, and those heart attacks and deaths from lung issues were most likely from COVID-19. Also, we only know about confirmed cases. Only one percent of the population in the United States has been tested. The reality is that the number of people walking around with COVID-19 is far greater.

What’s a person to do?

We have spent two whole months social distancing, and wearing masks, and some of us wearing gloves too. Some of us are looking at the same numbers and saying, “Enough is enough. We cannot go on like this. The businesses are hurting. People need paychecks.”

The answer in some states is to rush to open up businesses before the curve has really flattened. As long as any state is having increased confirmed cases, the situation is getting worse, not better. Some states have better track records of how they limited this killer virus in the first place.

Common sense is needed at the helm. If your particular state or country determines it is ready to open up to business, consider not allowing your inner child to make decisions for you that could seriously shorten your life, or shorten the lives of those around you. Do check out the statistics for your country, state, county and city or town. Determine for yourself what guidelines you want to live by.

You only get one life. Protect your inner child.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better