Choose Light ~ Love ~ Peace

Life is what you make it. Make it beautiful.

Free will is a beautiful gift. You make choices everyday based on your free will, which is pure gift for you and others.

You are Light.

You are Love.

You are solutions to life’s problems.

“You are not only good yourself, but the cause of goodness in others.” Socrates

Conscience is an integral part of your DNA. It is your free will.

You reap the seeds you sow sooner or later.

Tap into your inner core.

There is a Light within you, but first you have to recognize it and turn it on.

It is not enough to know there is a Light within you yet ignore it.

The Light is not outside of you, someone else’s belief system, or anything outside of your mind, body, and spirit.

Your Light is the Life of your Soul. It belongs to no one else.

This Light is your animating force, your Chi, your Soul connection to everything inside and outside of yourself that resonates with Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

To learn more about this Light within you, check out:
