The Great Principle MAHAT (UNIVERSAL INTELLECT, or MIND) Awakens Humanity to its Rightful Place in the Universe ~ To Rescue from Degradation the Archaic Truths Which Are the Basis of All Religions and Politics ~ Revealing the Unity from Which We All Spring

Ancient Sanskrit reveals archaic truths that can help humanity today. We are all human beings whose generation is a direct lifeline to the Source of All. Humanity is more alike than many would like to believe. The Source of All is Eternal, Universal Life Force Energy, whose Spark of Life is one and the same as the Spark of the Spirit of every single human being on Earth.

Every person on the face of the Earth, regardless of gender, nationality, race, color, creed, age, ability or disability, eye color, personality, health, or any other difference humanity comes up with in an attempt to be different, are more alike than any perceived difference.

It is time to unify humanity in a healthy and peaceful way.

Humanity finds its origin in the subtle elements within mind, body, and Spirit; the same Spirit that sparked the life of the angels and archangels, or if you prefer, the masters and ascended masters, and the same Spirit that sparks all life forms in the universe and cosmos, every single one of them.

We read about the Titans, or “working gods” as agents of the “Supreme God,” that Universal Being, the “Original Cause.” There are Norse gods, Egyptian gods, Chinese gods, numerous gods and bible giants like Goliath and the hero young David with that slingshot. Different cultures personified various deities throughout human history, with some calling these larger than human life or beings that could not die fallen angels and Nephilim, or aliens. After all, they are not terrestrial, right?

There is one and the same history of Earth. They are the same.

“Thus it may be shown that all the fundamental truths of nature were universal in antiquity, and that the basic ideas upon spirit, matter, and the universe, or upon God, Substance, and man, were identical. Taking the two most ancient religious philosophies on the globe, Hinduism and Hermetism, from the scriptures of India and Egypt, the identity of the two is easily recognizable.” The Secret Doctrine, Volume I, page 285, by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Asclepios, the Greco-Roman god and son of Appolo, the medicine god of healing, truth, and prophecy, is attributed to have said, “That Universal Being, that contains all, and which is all, put into motion the Soul and the World, all that comprises, says Hermes. In the manifold unity of universal life, the innumerable individualities distinguished by their variations, are, nevertheless, united in such a manner, that the whole is one, and everything proceeds from Unity.” Asclepios, Part I

“God is not a mind, but the cause that the mind is; not a spirit, but the cause that the Spirit is; not light, but the cause that the Light is.” Divine Pymander, Book IX, verse 64.

Various religions place their particular spins of indoctrination upon the wisdom of antiquity, even contradicting with human understanding, falsely teaching that to speak with God is impossible, that God is way beyond human comprehension.

The errors that seeped through the eons of all of human history were so far from the truth that the real reason Jesus Christ came to Earth to answer the religious hierarchy of his time when asked when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus answered, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation, nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:20-21

This is the exact reason for the crucifixion of Jesus, to silence him from speaking such empowering words to everyone who flocked to his side to hear him speak.

You have within you the possibility of activating this MAHAT, that same Spark of the UNIVERSAL INTELLECT/MIND, that awareness of who and what you are, which is why you are here on Earth at this time.


We are all experiencing our own lives. So often we find ourselves in the role of being a victim, that is, until we realize that we have the free will to not be the victim anymore.

All life “happens” to all of us. Not everything is perfect. Horrendous events take place in every country in the world. It is in becoming aware of who and what we are, individualized Sparks of the Limitless Living Light of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, capable of transforming cult-like mentalities into thoughts, words, and actions producing the most life-affirming solutions, peacefully inspiring change for the benefit of all of humanity, including the downtrodden, the homeless, and the destitute among us.

Let us build up humanity. Speak up peacefully and with integrity against all forms of inhumanity, racism, prejudice, and even materialism so that money is not the bottom line to every decision, because it is not.

There is one race, the human race.

All is One.

Here is the link to buy my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere