Award-Winning Journalist John Hourihan Shares Insights On Putin’s Russia

The following is written by award-winning journalist John Hourihan:

Putin will not stop at Ukraine. He has said he wants the Russian lands back, and that is further back than the meager Soviet Union. In 2007 Russia laid down the gauntlet when Putin said he would accept no more expansion of NATO. In 2008 NATO invited Georgia and Ukraine to join. Only months later, Putin invaded Georgia and Ukraine stopped seeking NATO membership. In 2014 Putin annexed Crimea. Ukraine is only his latest conquest.

The Russia he wishes to re-establish is the Russia of the 1700s. He seems to believe he is Peter the Great. He wants the Russian Empire back. And, by the way, that included Alaska and parts of California. He wants to end the world where, by international law, independent countries cannot be taken by force. This fight is more than democracy vs autocracy. It is to replace “the rule of law” with “might is right.” This is already WWIII.

Fiona Hill, our most respected expert on Russia, says this about how it is currently being fought, “But this is also a full-spectrum information war, and what happens in a Russian “all-of-society” war, you soften up the enemy. You get the Tucker Carlsons and Donald Trumps doing your job for you. The fact that Putin managed to persuade Trump that Ukraine belongs to Russia, and that Trump would be willing to give up Ukraine without any kind of fight, that’s a major success for Putin’s information war. I mean he has got swathes of the Republican Party — and not just them, some on the left, as well as on the right — masses of the U.S. public saying, “Good on you, Vladimir Putin,” or blaming NATO, or blaming the U.S. for this outcome. This is exactly what a Russian information war and psychological operation is geared towards. He’s been carefully seeding this terrain as well. We’ve been at war, for a very long time. I’ve been saying this for years.”

If you have to bet, bet that Putin will not stop. Our only questions now are, “Where does China stand? And will those in our country who back Putin wake up in time for us to win?”

This should not be a shooting war. That would only destroy the world. Russia should be isolated by the rest of the world until it implodes economically and rids itself of Putin.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere