What Does ANTIFA Mean? Why Should We Care? Repost

This is what the United States really looks like, United Humanity, not only white Americans.

“ANTIFA” is a philosophy, not a group of people. It means “Anti Fascist.”

What does is mean to be a Fascist?

Fascism means:

  • a form of extreme-right authoritarianism
  • ultra nationalism
  • characterized by dictatorial power
  • forceable suppression of opposition
  • strong regimentation of society and the economy.

ANTIFA started in the early 1900s, around the time of World War I. People of every ethnicity, race, color, creed, gender, age, ability and/or disability are born with God-given free will. People do not wish to be dominated, nor treated unfairly or be suppressed by a political power, nor by elitist political and/or financial greed. WWI was supposed to put an end to worldwide domination by military force.

The ideals of Freedom and Democrary are so ingrained in American politics that the Founders of the United States of America wrote in the Preamble to the Constitution of the US:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The ratification of the Convention held on Monday, September 17, 1787 promoted the rights and priviliges of those in government, including the rights of its citizens. Our government is based upon life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens, not just those at the top of political power, nor at the top of wealth earners.

The rights and priviliges are not for the of suppression of:

  • human rights including the immigration of persecuted asylum seekers
  • stealing and selling of babies and children also considered to be part of human trafficking
  • voting rights
  • women’s rights
  • global warming and climate change
  • rainforest destruction
  • frakking for profit
  • truth in lending practices including the wealthiest among us
  • truth in reporting and news coverage
  • truth in all areas

We have not seen Fascism in the United States of America until now.

Why is that?

The opposite of Fascism is ANTIFA. It means Anti-Fascism. To a nation based on freedom and liberty for all, ANTIFA is a GOOD thing, unless you happen to be a Fascist.

The opposite of Fascism is DEMOCRACY, and LIBERALISM. To BE AGAINST Antifa is to be a FACIST.

Are you a Fascist?

Do you promote a Fascist agenda?

If you discover you are a Fascist, don’t call yourself an American.
