New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation™ Classes Are Not Religious nor Divine ~ They Are The Highest Vibrational Frequencies Available on Earth at This Time

Release, renew, rejuvenate. Discover more about your Self. The world needs you. All levels Reiki, Prana Healing, Qigong, Holistic Counseling, Hypnosis, Naturopath, and all other holistic healing therapists are welcome, as well as anyone who feels called to take these classes.

A percentage of proceeds of the energy classes I teach benefit the Girls Schools in Cambodia so that the girls are not sold into the prostitution and human slavery.

This is not a religious curriculum, nor is it “divine.” Rather, this class is all about cosmic Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that manifests as wisdom, love, understanding via experience, magnanimity, and increased conscious awareness which expands all of the gifts you have already been given. It is like taking the blinders off of your comprehension, mission and dharma in this lifetime. These are potent classes on working with your own energy system which will work so much better for you once you take those caps off all the concepts and constrictions presently in place through your human experience thus far.

NPMDT classes assist you to release fear, self-sabotage and personal limiting belief systems while you simultaneously open the door to discovering your ability to maintain and/or gain self-esteem, confidence and competency in your personal, professional, and social circles.

Life is like an onion. You release what no longer serves you in layers, rarely all at once. Life is not stagnant and presents challenges repeatedly. Even for those of you who have mastered your reality, situations present themselves allowing you to go deeper in releasing, refreshing, and recharging, like rechargeable batteries. NPMDT classes do just that, allowing for a deeper comprehension of so many things you may already know. This is an experiential class that you must experience to believe.

Learn grounding, shielding, and activating techniques through meditations and activations which clear blocked pathways from your personal experiences and former comprehension. Keep what serves your highest good and release what no longer serves you.

Activations are not attunements, which attune you to something outside of yourself. Rather, activations literally activate sleeping DNA codes not yet fully recognized within yourself. Sometimes humanity needs assistance from trained NPMDT teachers from the School of Esoteric Science , which is an international school, to activate that which you desire but have yet to achieve yourself.

If this sounds like you would benefit from a new beginning or would like a boost in your energy and/or bodywork in the therapies you offer to others, choose one of these three classes for your personal and/or professional growth.

Basic Master Class:

Upcoming classes begin April 6 & 7, 2024. The cost for the 2-day, 16-hour Basic Master ™ class is $295 due by March 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. For questions about this class, please email me at

13D MDT Class:

The 13D MDT is 4-day, 32-hour workshop takes place on two consecutive weekends, June 1 & 2, AND June 8 & 9, 2024, from 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for this workshop is $525, due by May 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. For questions on this workshop, email me at

*Basic Master Teacher:

*Prerequisite: Basic Master Class – All students taking this class must provide their Basic Master certification number from the School of Esoteric Science

This 3-day, 24-hour workshop takes place during the Columbus Day holiday, October 12-14, 2024, 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for the Basic Master Teacher ™ is $395 due by September 28, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. Please email me for any questions at

This past November I was the guest speaker at the Women In Business/Sturbridge meeting held at Castle Cantina in Leicester, MA. Following the dinner, I had a book signing for my three books: IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM; MYSTERY OF THE STURBRIDGE KEYS, subtitled, CHRISTMAS UNLOCKED; and THE VIRTUE OF VIRTUES. Also for sale were five CDs from the CELESTIAL RETREAT I lead in 2010 in Connecticut.

My holistic articles have been published in The Door Opener MagazineWisdom Magazine, and Spirit of Change Magazine. I have also been published in the Connecticut Post NewspaperThe Milford Daily News (in Milford, MA), and was the founding feature writer for The Laconia Daily Sun (Newspaper) for two years before starting The Massage Clinic in Stratford, Milford, Orange, and West Haven, CT.


DoveStar Institute, Hooksett, NH earning Massage Therapy License and certified in Reflexology, Accupressure, Shiatsu, Neuromuscular, Strain/Counter Strain, Swedish, Lymphatic Massage, and Reiki Master Teacher.

American Institute of Holistic Health and Wellness, certified by the American Association of Drugless Professionals earning my Holistic Health Counselor/Practitioner certification from the late Dr. Dolores Seymour, author of WHO CARES WHY?

Qigong Teacher taught by Qigong Teacher and Practitioner Jeff Primack.

NPMDT Teacher Certification by the School of Esoteric Science. This is an international school taught by John Armitage who travels worldwide to teach, and by whom I was trained since 2005.

I also hold a Master Catechist certification, specializing in Youth Ministry within the Catholic Church from the Diocese of Worcester. However, after reading all of the life of Jesus, his adult years from his ages 12-30, I now write about those 18 years and what he taught. There is more to know other than his first 12 years as a young boy and his last 3 years, for a total of 15 years currently written about in the bible.

I am a Universal Life Church (ULC) minister, taking and completing the Master of Chaplaincy course in the ULC Seminary, as well as completing the Doctor of Universal Order and Doctor of Spiritual Awareness programs. I spent the better part of a year prior to COVID comforting the sick and dying at Harrington Hospital in Southbridge.


I am a member of the British Complimentary Medicine Association, BCMA. I have extensive training and experience in most all forms of energy work, which is not recognized as valid therapies by the American Medical Association, AMA, even though doctors and nurses teach Reiki in most hospitals. However, the BCMA does recognize energy work as a valid therapy. It is interesting to note that the AMA does recognize the BCMA as a valid medical association. In this way, I believe this recognition validates energy work therapies.


Calling All Energy Workers In The Field Of Holistic Health

After all the giving, it is time to receive. When was the last time you took an upgrade class in personal energy work? Autumn is a wonderful time to go within and recharge your personal energy system.

There is a reason why recent telephone communications systems went from analog to digital. The pathway of sending and receiving information was such a monumental change that the original system set up for the same goal simply was not adequate for the information, nor the volume overload.

While the original analog telephone system still works, there are advances in technology that cannot be supported, such as the inability to send digital picture over analog pathways. The latest technological advances draw upon higher vibrational frequencies unsupported by the previous system. This is the reason we all must get new cell phones from time to time to keep up with the latest technology.

When was the last time you upgraded the holistic health energy system you use?

Yes, as a Reiki Master Teacher, I was attuned to all the symbols and energies included in the final attunement meant to be able to carry all other energetic increases of the future. That worked in the 1800s, but it no longer works to the same degree as it once did, due to the difference between the vibrational frequency of channels in the 1880s compared to today.

We can still ride our horse and carriage on dirt roads, but they are not allowed on the vastly improved technologically advanced super highways. There is a reason for this. Times change. Technology changes. Advancement in our energetic tools and pathways are no different.

Prior to town and city water, people tapped into their own wells. Then came town and city water, made available through larger systems of larger channels running under the roads. Even then, the property along these roads was not connected into the larger system by osmosis. Rather, individual families had to make a tactical change. They could not simply say they would benefit from the larger water channels running in front of their houses. The ability to get connected to the greater volume of town and city water that was needed required a conscious decision to get more education, and take the necessary steps to align with the proper channel. In this example, it did not mean that their current wells suddenly went dry. They still could operate their homes with the smaller water flow. But why would anyone want to do that when greater water resources were at their disposal?

Some of us choose to increase our energy work by taking other forms of energy work, such as Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, etc. However, this is not the same thing, nor the same energy, as increasing the volume and purity of the original energy work in which you were trained. A fair bit of ego comes into play. The ego does not like change. The ego wants to be right, always. We have all spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars learning what we know. The ego can get protective, suggesting we know it all. We are masters and master teachers of our trade, are we not? We have had success as proof. What we may not be aware of is that Germain, the original founder of Reiki, (Dr. Mikio Usui merely re-discovered only a small part of the larger ancient energy system of the healing arts), is now making much more expanded vibrational frequencies available to humanity worldwide.

Why can’t Germain’s original system of transformative and healing energies come through existing Reiki channels? Current Reiki, Prana, Chi, Qi and all other energy channels are limited, limited by human concepts and reinventions, many of which are drawn up by human minds, and taught as if they have Germain’s stamp of approval when they do not. Many of the symbols are not of the pure energy used by Germain.

There is an uncontaminated, pure system of transformative energy, often resulting in healing mind, body, and the electro-magnetic system. Germain, (some know as Saint Germain, St. Germain, or Germaine), is making more expansive energies available to all energy workers of holistic health now in the upgraded circuitry which is known as New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation, or NPMDT. Germain is the founder of both Reiki and NPMDT.

The next 13D MDT (13 Dimensions of the New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation) Workshop, a 32-hour certified curriculum of the International School of Esoteric Sciences taught by me, Lin Hourihan, takes place on two back-to-back weekends: Nov 13-14 AND Nov 20-21, 2021, from 10 am – 6 pm, in Holland, MA 01521.

There is No Prerequisite for the 13D MDT Workshop. Anyone who feels called may take this advance course. It is also geared to the adept energy worker who is seeking to receive the most expansive energy available on the planet at this time.

Now is the time to expand your consciousness and experience even more enlightenment than you thought possible.

Now is the time to again release what no longer serves you, from the metaphysical quick sand of self-sabotage, negative thinking, and dysfunctional schedules.

Now is the time to rejuvenate in constructive, expansive energies Germain accelerated since the time of Atlantis, filling the cup of your Sacred Heart , overflowing into your life, relationships, and work.

The 13D MDT Workshop is a fun way to learn and experience personal transformation in a way reading a book about it simply cannot do. If the time is not right for you in November to take the 13D MDT Workshop, it comes back around on my schedule June 4-5 AND June 11-12, 2022. There are also many NPMDT teachers throughout the United States as well as worldwide. Check out their schedules at:

The 13D MDT and/or the Basic Master is a Prerequisite for the Basic Master Teacher Workshop scheduled for May 13-15, 2022 on my schedule of workshops. Only John Armitage, founder of NPMDT along with Germain, teaches the nine-day 13D MDT Teacher course.


I Saw My Guardian Angel In A Whirl Of Fast Moving Iridescent White Sparkling Light

glowing guardian-angel

Back around the turn of the millenium, at the conclusion of my year-long Reiki Master Teacher course, as I was preparing to turn in for the night, I had an idea. Actually, I had been thinking of it for some time. My conscious mind reasoned that I was sufficiently advanced enough, in spiritual awakening and conscious realization of who and what I was, and I believed in angels enough, that it was possible to ask to see and meet my guardian angel. I was not fully prepared for what happened that night.

I had swept my aura and meditated prior to retiring, keeping the thought in mind that I would like to meet my guardian angel. I spoke to my guardian angel, who I had named Michael, and told him I was ready to meet him. I named him Michael because I felt I needed a very strong angel, like Archangel Michael. To this day I teach that everyone has his or her own guardian angel who they can turn to for questions and guidance. It is always more personable to also name your guardian angel. I always felt the presence of my guardian angel near me, ever since I was very young, especially in times of trouble.

I was staying in a dorm-style room with two daybeds, one on either side of the room. The teacher, Karyl, who was teaching this class was sleeping at the far end of the room, closest to the door. I was across the room from her, with a large distance between us. I had fallen asleep quickly and peacefully.

All of a sudden, I remember being extremely dizzy. I was so dizzy that I thought I might fall out of the bed. The bed was not moving. It was just that I felt so dizzy that I thought I might tumble right out onto the floor. I was afraid to open my eyes to see what was causing this. I clung tightly to the sheets and covers, and pulled them up to my neck, to help me not fall out of bed.

I wanted to see if Karyl was having the same trouble as I was. I peeked out of the corner of my eye at her, but she was rolled over on her left side, facing the wall, sound asleep. I quickly closed my eyes and figured whatever was going on with me, dealt with just me, not her.

I was laying on my back. I took in a deep breath. It felt like most of the motion was coming from the foot of my bed. I cracked open my eyes for just a second, long enough to see flashing, whirling, iridescent, brilliant, bright, white light. It truly was a white light beyond this poor description. I quickly closed my eyes. It made me so dizzy I felt I was beginning to get nauseous, so I closed my eyes again, and waited for the dizziness to leave me.

When it did, I feel asleep.

It was not until the next morning, when all the rest of the student teachers I was in class with, were sharing how the night before went for them, that I realized that I, in fact, had met my guardian angel. It did not occur to me at the moment this was happening, that I met my guardian angel, in person. I was the last to share what had happened.

I am extremely grateful to my Michael, my guardian angel, for making his presence known to me that night. I have always known he was there, but I will always remember that special encounter. I wish I had thought ahead of time to give him a better welcome. But it happened as it did.

From Michael’s perspective, he must have taken pity on the student of such profound energy transformational work, who thought she was ready for such a revelation. It floored me. At least he sees me, still learning and growing each and every day. I work with his encouragement, with the guidance and inspiration of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; the love of the Holy Spirit; all for the Glory of God our Almighty Father in Heaven. Thy Kingdom Come!

We are all in this consciousness raising, spiritual awakening together. We are all at the place where we are, at this very moment in time, on our particular journey. Not all journeys are alike. Not all of us are in the same place in our journey. It is more accurate to say it is WHO we are. It is part of the grand awakening within our hearts and minds who and what we truly are. Our journey of awakening transformation is deeply spiritual, connecting us to God, his Son, with the Love they share. It is the path I have chosen to take thus far in my life.

If you don’t like where you are at in your life, or the particular spiritual journey you are on, you can change at any moment. You are not a victim of your life. You are the master of your own ship. Use your free will God gave you to draw closer to him. A world of wonder awaits you. Have you made mistakes? To to Jesus and ask for forgiveness, and you will get a new start.  It is up to you to chart a different course if you choose to go in a different direction.

For me, I am heartened that my guardian angel saw fit to grant me my request. It affirms my faith that I am on the right track. I have taken numerous ‘scenic detours’ in life, as I tried different belief systems on for size, so as not to miss anything, as those of you reading this blog over the last 12 years can attest. But nothing feeds the soul as much as realizing Jesus actually meant what he said, when he taught us that the Kingdom of God is inside of us, in Luke 21:17, in his own words. That rings the truest for me, so that is the point of the diamond from which I will share with you all.

The kingdom of God, is in all of you, not just some of you, or in some special guru. Did you ever say the letters that spell guru out loud? Let’s do that together now. Say each letter out loud slowly: G-U-R-U.


Jesus can realign, make new, any missteps and wrong choices. God to the Father of Jesus Christ in prayer. Meditate on the abounding Love of the Holy Spirit. Nothing is impossible with God on our side. New beginnings are always wonderful.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere