What Racism? What Lies? Silence Is Agreement ~ Repost from January 30, 2021

I do not see any promotion of tyranny, prejudice, racism, gender and age discrimination, and attempts at poll tampering, red lining, voter fraud, ballot counting fraud. Nope, I don’t see a thing.

This is a repost from January 30, 2021. It is just as true today as it was back then:

I do not see any white supremacy, racism, lies, conspiracy theories, hate and fear mongering, poll tampering, and January 6, 2021 crime on the U.S. Capitol. Nope, I don’t see a thing. If I stay silent, I can get your vote, right?

You cannot claim to be Christian and spread lies. That would be against the Ten Commandments which you say Christians believe in.

You cannot claim to be a sane person and believe in lies and conspiracies as if they are real. That would just be mentally unbalanced.

You cannot believe that lasers shot from outer space are what started wildfires in California and expect to be taken seriously. That would be such a poor diversionary tactic.

You cannot believe that people are killing and eating babies. If so, you need to be committed into an insane asylum. No really, this is crazy.

If you sell your soul to the devil for money, votes and political fleeting fame, the weed seeds you plant will grow to take over your once noble goals. Anyone with common sense knows this. Now in 2024, this is painfully apparent.

Silence is agreement. Silence is acceptance. Doing nothing when obvious and outrageous crime flagrantly takes place on your watch, means you agree and accept the beliefs and behaviors of your base. If this is the case, you are as guilty as they are.

And no, you cannot believe that the Democrats are deep-state lizard people. People are laughing at you.

The fat man on the bed playing alien, deep-state video games has infiltrated government. What are you going to do about it?

You either believe in democracy or you don’t. In Russia, people are fighting tyranny for democracy. In the United States, people are fighting democracy for tyranny.

The world is watching you, so is God.


God is not a man, nor a woman, but Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, a cosmos and life generating Energy. You are bound to reap the ramifications of the next seeds you plant.

It is possible to save our precious planet or kill it by ignorance of climate change and global warming. Saying humanity has “always had these horrific storms” is simply ignorance in action, when history proves otherwise.

It is possible to work together for common goals rather than feed the monstrous egos of the top one percent of the political and corporate wealth earners in the country with their eyes set on the sights of their political and financial careers over the care of the rest of the country and its citizens.

Now is the time to take your head out of the sands of indoctrination and see what is actually going on before your eyes and ears.

No photo description available.

Now is not the time to be an ostrich with its head in the sand as the infiltration of attempts to overthrow Democracy and replace it with tyranny is trying to rear its ugly head.

Now is not the time to pick a side as if you are cheering for a sports team.

Democracy is too important for that.

You matter.

Your vote matters.

Here are the facts in 2024 as written by John Hourihan:

“With all the lies and misinformation being pumped daily into the innocent minds of Americans who don’t really have the time to know what is going on, let me tell you the basic truth of what is happening.

“The Republican party is trying to destroy the basis of America – not after Trump is elected, but right now. Don’t shake your head. There is a good reason. It is to make money.

“They have perverted the Congress by passing laws that will make it difficult to vote for people who might vote Democrat, and they have, since the time of President Obama, decided not to vote for anything suggested by the opposition even if it is what they have suggested in the past, even if it is obviously good for the country. They are doing it to put a pliable, moronic, cartoon-like figurehead in charge of the country who, without the threat of checks and balances, will be able to do whatever they tell him to so the extreme rich can get richer, to make their religion the basis of our lives, and to make anyone but straight white people second-class citizens.

Read Project 2025 (the plan for the next Republican platform)

“They are doing it by not having any hesitation to lie or misinform those who will vote for them mainly because they have no idea what is going on. Their supporters believe lies and misinformation because it is quicker and easier than finding the proof that debunks the lies and misinformation. Why do they not know what is going on? Because they are working all day at jobs that underpay them and because the laws of the country are stacked against the working class. The poor are clamoring for someone to say they will fix this situation. And the Republican party is lying and disseminating false information saying they will do just that. When they had the chance for two whole years under Trump they did nothing.

“The GOP actually wants to do away with the American Dream and the idea that there should not be a floor under which no one can fall. They say they will alter Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, disabled veterans’ benefits and any other funding for Americans who have fallen on difficult times. What their real slogan, behind closed doors, is “WORK HARDER OR DIE!”

“This rush from democracy is not isolated to our country. It is going on in nearly every country in the world. Fascism is, once again, being touted as the new panacea across the globe.

“Why? Because it is easier to make the rich richer when one dictator can be bought instead of an entire Congress.

“And fascism is being touted here — by the Republican Party.

“Those who they wish to subjugate after taking office are the working class who are supporting them because they are being lied to, and the rich who want to be richer no matter what it does to their countrymen – “WORK HARDER OR DIE!”

The truth is the Republican party is drawing dangerously closer to the Nazi Party.

“The truth of what is happening in our country is a choice between being America in 2025 or being Germany in 1930.”

God Bless Everyone Everywhere