The Best Christmas Present You Can Give To Yourself

There is a Light within you that no one can take from you. It is your personal Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy which animates your Spirit and Soul. No one can take this energy from you, unless you let them, or deny it within yourself. Even if you deny these precious gifts within you, you will never feel peace until the day you accept all these precious parts of yourself.

This is not a belief system. It is your unique eternal and universal life pulse. This Light within you radiates in many different vibrational frequencies such as clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairgustance, and clairalience.

Some people call this intuition which can manifest as feelings, sensing, knowing, seeing, hearing, tasting, and/or smelling.

Clairsentience–having clear feeling, you can feel the information from someone else within your own self. An example of this would be if someone else is experiencing emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual malady which you feel within your own self yet is not your personal feeling.

Clairvoyance–having clear seeing, you see through the third eye between your two eyes. You may see flashes, images, or something like a movie film of what is happening in the past, present or future.

Claircognizance–having clear knowing, you have information or knowledge of something that you do not actually know. Thoughts come out of nowhere, popping into your mind, and give information about something that might happen in the future.

Clairaudience–having clear hearing, you who hear information with the mind, not the ears. Basically, it is telepathic information coming into your mind. Sometimes you will hear this as a regular voice as if someone is speaking to you.

Clairgustance–having clear tasting, you can taste something that isn’t really there. For example, you taste chocolate but you are not actually eating any chocolate.

Clairalience—having clear smelling, you can smell odors that are not present. An example of this would be to smell some perfume or a cigar, but neither of these things is present in that moment.

During my life I have experienced all of these situations. This is not uncommon for the vast majority of humanity. These experiences are merely glimpses of the Light of Eternal Univeral Life Force Energy, born from the Light of the Cosmos, igniting and sustaining your personal Life Spark.

All of these experiences are normal and natural. Jesus told you that the Light is WITHIN you, in Luke 17:20-21. There is nothing wrong nor offensive about having these gifts. They are your Christmas presents because these gifts are gifts from the Source of all Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, the fuel of your own personal Spark of Life.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere