What is the Big Secret Most Authorities Do Not Want You to Know?

The years of Jesus from ages 12-30 account for 18 years of his life into adulthood. Yet the bible only boasts of his first 12 childhood years and his last 3 years. That has placated humanity, knowing only 15 years of the life of Jesus for centuries until now. What else did Jesus say that various authorities did not want you to know?

What is this Christ Energy?

Keep in mind that Light is how Energy travels. I am talking about Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that animates every single human Spirit/Soul within the human body regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, or any other label we humans like to place upon ourselves.

It is an electromagnetic vibrational frequency that animates you. It is not a belief system. Even agnostics and atheists are alive by this living fact.

This animating Spirit/Soul of ours has a physical weight. At the moment of death, the body physically loses 21 grams of weight.

“An experiment conducted in 1996, at the University of Michigan, showed that a newly deceased body loses 21 grams of weight at the moment of death. For this, they used 540 people who were dying, on stretchers with electronic scales of extreme precision.

“So, in that way, everything seems to indicate that the soul weighs 21 grams. A scientist named Duncan McDougall, in the early twentieth century was devoted obsessively to take the weight of the dying, in previous moments of death and later. So it was that McDougall since 1907 already knew of the existence and weight of the soul, obtaining as a result always 21 grams of difference.

“The physicists who have pronounced themselves in this regard, assert that for 21 grams of mass to be transformed in an instant into energy, it must produce a beam of light. The curious thing about all this, is that the famous doctor McDougall says to have observed a bright light leave the body of 12 dying people.” taken from How much does the soul weigh? – Phoneia. Phoneia. Retrieved on December 28, 2023.

Max Planck was a pioneer and peacemaker in this life. He noted that the amount of energy that each photon carries is determined by its size, which in the wave description, is just the wavelength of the light wave. Each quantum can be thought of as one complete oscillation of the electromagnetic wave. Specifically E = hc/wavelength where h is Planck’s constant, and c is the velocity of light.

This is not simply a matter of hypothesis. This is science.

Why does this matter and what does it have to do with the secret that has been kept from you for centuries?

I am writing this post during the popular Christmas season 2023. The World Population Review estimates that there are 2.5 billion Christians, or people who believe in Jesus currently on our home planet.

Since 354 AD, at the Council of Nicaea and in the following councils, the years of Jesus, where he traveled and what he said were purposefully not included in the bible that was organized into one volume. Until 364 AD, all the churches celebrated Easter at different times and used various Sacred Scriptures telling all of what Jesus did and spoke.

Some of the words of Jesus flew in the face of religious and political authorities and were intentionally not included in the one bible that was assembled from the many other writings.

What information was hidden and how does that information relate to this post?

The words of Jesus in the New Testament, in Luke 17:20-21, were changed to say that the Kingdom of God, the Light of God, was “among” humanity. The original words had Jesus telling us that the Kingdom of God, the Light of God, is “within” us. Modern bibles, including the New King James version, are now putting the original word “within” back in the bible.

This LIGHT within us is our Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, the same LIGHT and ENERGY that animates our Spirits/Souls. You and I are alive by the Light Energy that keeps our Spirit/Soul alive. Without this Limitless Living Light Force Energy, we are dead.


This is powerful information. You are more powerful than you might realize. This is a beautiful Christmas Present, from me to you.

You are alive by the LIGHT of Christ Energy. It is Love, Peace, and Joy, which Jesus taught. Other energies that are not of the Love, Peace, and Joy vibration are not of the Father of Jesus. That is what he came to share with you and me.

The burden placed upon all humanity since 364 AD, making sin be the fault of humanity and the resulting threats of hellfire and damnation if you do not believe a certain way, specifically that you were born sinners (You were not!) is the very manipulation of religious and political authorities to keep you in line.

This is the indoctrination I invite you to shed. Fear is the tool unholy authorities uses to motivate their masses. Love, forgiveness, and healing are the tools of the Christ Energy. You will know them by their fruits.

Jesus said the Kingdom, the Light of God, is WITHIN you. When we fully understand this, we will be free to live as God intended.

Namaste ~ The Divine in me acknowledges the Divine in you.