Quickening of the God Particle Within You Activates the Consciousness of Humankind

There is a path for you, if you are willing to let go of limitations. It involves letting go what no longer serves you. It is the path of wisdom, power, light and freedom. Yet it is a steep path fraught with peaks of pride, more jagged than the uncharted heights of the ascent.

If you have not found the answers in brick-and-mortar religions of the world, and have more questions than answers, you can benefit, when and if you are ready, by quickening your consciousness, and opening your mind to the freedom Eternal Universal Life Force Energy (some say God of any name) intends for you.

Mother/Father God experiences through your thoughts, words and actions. Your brain, hands and feet are the only human faculties this Dynamic Limitless Living Light Energy has to work in and through you. This Energy is not separate from you, since you are the Sparking of Enlightenment of expanded conscious awareness in your living, breathing, walking human earthly vessel. This means that you are none other than God particles upon this earth. It is not any belief system that activates this comprehension. It is a human reality.

How do you choose to manifest your reality?

Do you measure your attributes on the same scale that you measure your deficiencies?

You are made of this God particle, as I call it, is your I AM THAT I AM Presence which is shared with humanity in a way no other creation upon this earth is.

Remember the Big Bang?

Photo was taken by the Hubbel Space Telescope

It all started with one atom, one thought, one expression, one creation if you will. Technically, one carbon atom first started as subatomic components of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons which are the vital components of every human being on earth, the 666 of humanity, including you. Protons and neutrons are comprised of smaller quarks, elementary particles not made up of anything else.

“Let there be Light,” one flash of lightning carrying amino acids birthing all life as we know it, is the midwife of humanity in our cauldron of life.

Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is at the center of that initial thought, and within those subatomic smaller quarks within the protons and neutrons of the pulsating atom and every other living pulsing atom that followed. This Living Energy is Self-Evident Knowledge (aka Almighty Father, God), full of Wisdom (aka Mother/Sophia/Holy Spirit) and abounding in Love (aka Christ/Son/Child) Energy. All is One because this Energy cannot be divided, restarted, or ended, as proven by science in the Laws of Thermodynamics.

This Dynamic Limitless Living Light Energy can only be transformed, changed into minute aspects of Itself, manifesting in each human Soul, aspects of Itself.

Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is Limitless Living Love and Limitless Living Life. Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is in the zero point of every atom. In other words more commonly understood today, “God” is in everything and everyone by reason that every human being has a Soul powered by this Limitless Living Light of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is in every atom, cell, and fiber of your being. God, as humanity has been indoctrinated into naming this vital Energy, is in the center, that almost zero point of the atom. It may be infinitesimal, so small it is close to the zero point, yet it is living within each atom. You are filled with this Limitless Living Light Energy. We carry that precious divine presence in our hearts everywhere we go.

God is not separate from you and me. We do not need to find Him. God is not lost. You and I are not lost. Our human minds, until they are awakened at the moment in time when we are ready to handle it, that new thought, that open door of possibility, is waiting on our readiness to begin, or begin again.

How many times have I begun again? I seem to be the queen of spiritual scenic detours. But with the life lessons I learn from life’s detours, my starting point is a new and different starting point, with deeper understanding and realizations than I previously had. Perhaps your life experience might be similar.

So here I am, ready, willing and able to carry on teaching metaphysical realities, a journey into freedom, complete freedom, empowerment and the Light of Mother/Father God above as you might say, or as Eternal Universal Life Force Energy as I now know. I invite you to come along with me, to share and to grow, learn and discover.

The world needs us to quicken our consciousness, awaken our slumbering minds, and elevate the thinking processes to the power of positive solutions so in need of them.

But it all starts, or starts again, with the full realization of who you are and why you are here. Do you understand that God works in and through you and me because you and I are the very Temple of God on earth? There is much for you to know, understand and share with others.

There are times we get tired, make excuses and mistakes. We have all the freedom in the world to do that. You and I are free beings. No matter where you live on earth, no matter which country you live in, no matter if you are presently in jail, you have the full freedom of thought. You have the God-given freedom of your mind. How you choose to think is up to you.

The picture above is symbolic of your individual Divine Self. It is a great way to understand the pathway between God and yourself. Your I AM Presence is surrounded by many layers of your aura pulsating in Limitless Living Light vibrational frequencies, visible through the science and colors displayed via Kirlian photography.

Your aura represents your Limitless Living Light Soul, which is sheathed in four different bodies, known as 1) the etheric body, 2) the mental body, 3) the desire or emotional body, and 4) the physical body.

You are what you are, regardless of what you think you are. We are all One. God is One because Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is One.
