Every Act of Kindness Counts to Soften the World ~ Grow Empathy and Compassion

Kindness matters.

Kindness is an electromagnetic frequency vibration that is contagious.

Empathy matters.

Empathy opens hearts to care for those around us as much as we care for ourselves.

Compassion matters.

Compassion is the pulse of the beat of the heart.

Love without conditions matters.

Love is the rose bud opening into a full-blown rose with attention to Peace, Joy and fulfillment.

Light is the fuel of inspiration and growth into majestic possibility of kindness, empathy, compassion, and love.

Limitless Living Light is the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy here on Earth.

You are a Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy when you activate the DNA Limitless Living Light codes within you.

Do you know who you truly are, where you came from, and where you are going?

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) classes make it possible for you to release what no longer serves your highest good.

Are you ready to grow in being a master, release karmic ties, stop living in the past, and activate your Antahkarana, Lightbody, and Ascension process?

You have the opportunity to activate all this and more in the upcoming NPMDT classes. For those traveling from a distance, there are many hotel and restaurant options nearby in Sturbridge, MA.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation™ Classes

Release, renew, rejuvenate. Discover more about your Self. All levels of energy workers of all modalities are welcome. Anyone who feels called may take these classes.

A percentage of proceeds of the energy classes I teach benefit the Girls Schools in Cambodia so that the girls are not sold into the prostitution and human slavery.

Basic Master ™ Class

Upcoming classes begin April 6 & 7, 2024. The cost for the 2-day, 16-hour Basic Master ™ class is $295 due by March 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. For questions about this class, please email me at linhourihan@yahoo.com.

13D MDT ™ Class

The 13D MDT ™ is 4-day, 32-hour workshop takes place on two consecutive weekends, June 1 & 2, AND June 8 & 9, 2024, from 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for this workshop is $525, due by May 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. For questions on this workshop, email me at linhourihan@yahoo.com.

*Basic Master Teacher

*Prerequisite: Basic Master or 13D MDT Class – All students taking this class must provide their Basic Master or 13D MDT certification number from the School of Esoteric Science

This 3-day, 24-hour workshop takes place during the Columbus Day holiday, October 12-14, 2024, 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for the Basic Master Teacher ™ is $395 due by September 28, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. Please email me for any questions at linhourihan@yahoo.com.

While I am the “teacher” for this class, you are the teacher of yourself, as you know. I am the facilitator of the energies of New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation, a wonderful step into personal freedom and love without conditions.

Everyone who feels called to take these classes is welcome. Limit 4 adult students.



Thank You For Your Consideration.
