The Golden Rule ~ Enter Through The Narrow Gate ~ Healing The USA

Where does one turn when 20 people are killed by an allegedly publicized, home-grownOne Race terrorist known to be a White Supremacist who also injures 26 six additional human beings in El Paso, Texas; followed by another nine people killed in a Dayton, Ohio shooting less than 14 hours later; all of which was preceded by three shooting deaths in Gilroy, CA at the popular Garlic Festival just days earlier; when politicians sanction locking up asylum seekers and putting children and adults in cages under the guise of securing the Mexican-United States border; and politicians gamble with their political futures as they agree with hate crimes and crimes against humanity?

Most of the offending political party claimed to be Christian, erroneously thinking they are promoting Christian values.

What did Jesus say about how to live and how to treat others?

Matthew 7:12-14 “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

The United States of America, the melting pot of the world, is in need of healing. How can we possibly heal?

Begin today. Begin today to go back to practicing the Golden Rule. What is the Golden Rule?

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

This applies to people you know and those you do not know, and to everyone in your home, work, social life. This applies to children and adults in cages, and to everyone attempting to care for those children and adults in cages. This applies to everyone in our inner cities, and to those in our countryside. This applies at all times. These are the words of Jesus.

The tide of hate in the United States of America is high and the door open to it is wide leading to destruction. How easy is it to join a wave of popularity, to overlook racism because “the bottom line is money,” and “at least we made more money this year.” The twist to the sad conversation by some alludes to “Why are they afraid of people making money?” All the while, these ones ignore the cries of humanity because it is not right in front of their own eyes, or with their own family members in cages, because of a line drawn in the sand.

10009771_10153090153757264_7526930363733913332_nRather, go through the small gate on the narrow road, leading to life. Its sign posts are mercy, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and genuine love, in all your thoughts, words and actions. This is how to travel on this road. This is how to heal the United States of America, one thought at a time, one word at a time, one loving and forgiving action at a time.

Grief is real. Our country is hurt deeply. Too many of our citizens have died needlessly within our borders by our own members, far more than immigrants have killed US citizens. Too many of our citizens have killed human beings from other countries based on the color of their skin, or the country they came from, and others have been killed because our home-grown terrorists have been mentally challenged, killing children in our schools, and others in movie theaters and places of employment. It will take time for a full recovery. But this country will never heal if we do not start the process.

Now is the time to start.

* I extend a warm invitation to the worldwide meditation and prayer effort currently underway through July and August 2019. This is an international, concerted effort specifically addressing the inhumane conditions at the southern border of the United States of America and Mexico, as well as inhumane conditions globally. I am inviting all churches in all denominations in the world to invite all their parishioners to take part; and include all people without any church affiliation to participate. Scroll down to see how meditation and prayer reduced crime in Washington, D.C. by 48 percent.

God Bless