First Lady Dr. Jill Biden’s Valentine ~ Lin’s Healing Meditation

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden’s Valentines are given to all of us, listed below. Enjoy.














Healing emotionally calms the self-inflicted mental decisions if we have chosen to self-sabotage ourselves for those times we have allowed ourselves to be been drawn into drama and chaos around us. Emotional healing owns our personal responsibility for our emotional health, restores our sense of self, who we truly are, made in the image and likeness of God.

Healing mentally balances the reality of our lives with our perspectives on how to handle ourselves in any given situation, what we determine to be important and value, acknowledges our limitations and our strengths, and sheds light on that which we choose to think.

Healing physically is a blessing and result of human knowledge in our nurses, doctors, and entire medical community, as well as holistic health professionals, counselors, and therapists. Jesus taught the laying on of hands, divine energy healing for mind, body, and spirit healing. Organic food, adequate sleep and exercise are natural remedies for physically healing.

Healing spiritually raises our capacity to allow into our being the experience of union with God. Healing our spirits also enlightens us beyond the limitations of science and technology, as wonderful and helpful as they are. Healing our spirits often result with simultaneous healing of mind and body.

Courage in the face of bullies personally, socially, and politically takes inner conviction to stand up for truth, honor, and integrity. Courage does not cower under threats, lies, conspiracies, or self-serving gain personally, socially, nor politically. Courage is not measured by fear of doing the right thing, but does the right thing in the face of fear.

Love is the answer for all things at all times. God is love, as it says in 1 John 4:8. Since we are made in the image and likeness of God, pure love. Love moves mountains, heals, and forgives self and others.

Compassion, and its twin, empathy, are at the heart of love, and life in every aspect. Compassion and empathy open the doors of our hearts to think better thoughts, to do better acts, and to be better people.

Gratitude overflows within our hearts, minds, and voices, and is a direct result of a life well lived, helping others, and going beyond the bare minimum of existing as a human being. Gratitude is affirmation of our blessings received.

Peace blankets people, societies, and nations when we live with the priorities of faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love. When we have faith in each other, faith in democracy, and faith in God, we begin heaven on earth. When we have hope in each other, hope in justice, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; we foster peace. Peace is the gift of lives lived in love.

Armor is our protective shell to our mind, body, and spirit, when we guard our thoughts, words, and actions. Armor is the strength of our ideals of goodness, our willingness to go beyond ourselves in peace and love, and ability to guard us against dark, lies, and conspiracies put forth by self-serving agendas.

Strength shines most brightly in our characters, spreading truth in the face of lies, facts over fiction, and justice over injustice. Strength fortifies us in times of chaos, uncertainty, and inhuman conditions.

Kindness costs us nothing, harms nothing, and feeds the soul. Kindness is contagious and is appreciated, and magnified, multiplying the first seeds sown.

Family is the foundation of human living upon which all aspects of society are built, and other systems of cohabitation, such as college living, faith communities, and healing institutions. Family is the place where we learn social interactions, understanding each other, and forgiving each other once hurtful issues have been discussed and addressed.

Unity is the goal of all of humanity, with each breath we take, with accountability, nobility, integrity, and magnanimity. Unity enables progress, joy, and healing of all divisions.

Thank you, Dr. Jill Biden, for your beautiful Valentine hopes of healing, courage, love, compassion, gratitude, peace, armor, strength, kindness, family, and unity. I add my thoughts to your Valentine for our consideration. What we focus on grows. Let us all focus on these things these days.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman Delivers A Soaring Poem At President Biden’s Inauguration

God Bless Everyone Everywhere