Jesus In India Those Lost 18 Years Ages 12-30

The picture of Jesus meditating in the Himalayan forest surrounded by wild beasts shows that they were all tamed by his very presence.

Have you ever wondered why the entire New Testament only relies on the first twelve years of Jesus’ life and his last three years, while discounting the greater portion eighteen years that he lived?

If only discrediting the work of Nicholas Notovitch, a traveler from Russia in 1887, stood the test of time. It does not, according to my studies. Countless others have followed the path of Notovitch to India in search of evidence that Jesus Christ was there.

“An ancient Chinese text on the history of religions and their doctrines, known as The Glass Mirror, had this to say about Lord Isha (some say Issa or Yesu) and His teachings: ‘Yesu, the teacher and founder of the religion, was born miraculously…. His doctrines did not spread extensively, but survived only in Asia.'” from the book The Christ of India, subtitled The Story of Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri)

Had Notovitch been the only one to write about Jesus in India, and got discredited as he did, that would be one thing to consider. But now there are others who have visited the Himis monastery, such as Swami Abhedananda and Swami Trigunatitananda, both direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna and preachers of Vendata in America, who journeyed to Ladakh on separate visits. They both verified the existence of ancient Buddhist texts recording the life of Jesus. Swami Trigunatitananda was also shown two painting of Jesus by the Buddhist monks, and had a copy of one made from his memory when he was living in America as a Vedanta missionary, shown in the picture above.

According to The Christ of India, “Robert Ravicz, a former professor of anthropology at California State University at Northridge, visited Himis in 1975. A Ladakh physician he met there spoke of Jesus having been there during his ‘lost years.’

“In the late 1970s Edward Noack, author of Amidst Ice and Nomads in High Asia, and his wife visited the Himis monastery. A monk there told him: ‘There are manuscripts in our library that describe the journey of Jesus to the East.'”

These are not the only travelers to check out for themselves the fact that Jesus spent these years in India and the Himalayian Mountains in Tibet. The question is, why have most religions consciously chosen to omit 18 years of the life of Jesus from their teaching and preaching?

The Vatican is said to have sixty-three manuscripts of Jesus in India and Tibet, but opted to only promote their own teachings which keep them in power through guilt and oblation. Jesus taught other things. Some of the records of Jesus also say that he survived the crucifixion and have records of him in their sacred writings. If this is the case, then there is even more of the life of Jesus we have to discover, that is if we can move past fear to learn something new.

What if what you have learned all your life by other organized religions was wrong, through their own self-promotion?

It seems Jesus was known as Isha Nath, a great teacher of the order of Nath Yogis. His life is recorded in one of their own sacred books, Nathanamavali. It was the life they knew as Jesus the Christ. According to the tradition of the Nath Yogis, Sri Pal said, “It is also their conjecture that Jesus Christ and this Isha Nath are one and the same person.”

The following is from the Nathanamavali, “Isha Natha came to India at age of fourteen. After this he returned to his own country and began preaching. Soon after, his brutish and materialistic countrymen conspired against him and had him crucified. After crucifixion, or perhaps even before it, Isha Nath entered samadi by means of yoga. (Yogis often leave their bodies in samadi, so it is not amiss to say that Jesus did indeed ‘die’ on the cross.)”

It is not your nor my opinion that makes a fact a fact. What actually happened is what happened.

Continuing from the Nathanamavali, “Seeing him thus, the Jews presumed he was dead, and buried him in a tomb. At that very moment however, one of his gurus, the great Chetan Natha, happened to be in profound meditation in the lower reaches of the Himalayas, and he saw in a vision the tortures which Isha Natha was undergoing. He therefore made his body lighter than air and passed over to the land of Israel.

“The day of his arrival was marked by thunder and lightening, for the gods were angry with the Jews, and the whole world trembled. When Chetan Natha arrived, he took the body of Isha Natha from the tomb, woke him from samadhi, and later led him off to the sacred land of the Aryans. Isha Natha then established an ashram in the lower regions of the Himalayas and he established the cult of the linga there.” (“The cult of the linga) refers to the Shaivite branch of Hinduism.)

Are you aware that there are two relics found in Kashmir? The first is the staff of Jesus, which is kept in the monastery of Aish-Muqan and is made accessible to the public in times of public catastrophe such as floods or epidemics. The second is the Stone of Moses – a Shiva linga that had belonged to Moses and which Jesus brought to Kashmir and is now kept in the Shiva temple at Bijbehara in Kashmir.

The amazing thing about this Stone of Moses, which is one hundred and eight pounds, is that if eleven people put one finger on the stone and recite the bija mantra “Ka” over and over, it will rise three feet or so into the air and remain suspended as long as the recitation continues.

According to the book, The Christ of India, “Shiva” means one who is auspicious and gives blessings and happiness. “In ancient Sanskrit the word ka means to please and to satisfy-that which Shiva does for His worshippers.

Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri) said, “I have met two people who have ‘raised the Stone of Moses.’ One of them said that the number required to raise the stone relates to their spiritual development, and that he had raised it with only three others.”

One thing I know for sure, there is more to Jesus Christ than the 15 years that have been told to you.

Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is feeling fear and doing what is necessary to get to the bottom of discovering all that Jesus Christ taught, not only what religious control systems portray as the one and only truth.
