Ascended Master Mary Magdalene ~ The Gospel of Mary ~ Pearls of Wisdom

The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) in The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, Codex BG8502,1, begins with The Nature of Sin and the Good (7,10-8,11). Peter is asking Jesus postresurrection, “… What is the sin of the world?”

Jesus replied, “There is no such thing as sin, rather, you yourselves are what produce sin when you act in accordance with the nature of adultery, which is called ‘sin.’ For this reason, the Good came among you, pursuing the good that belongs to every nature. It will set within its root.”

Adultery is understood to mean sex, or union between species, such as angels and humans, not between humans and humans. Such unnatural unions are what makes them unholy, not meant to co-exist as the remnants of the fallen angels and Nephilim earthly bodies and eternal negative influences.

Before Jesus leaves on his journey to India postresurrection, which was not publicized for obvious reasons, he repeated what he said in Luke 17:20-21 in the following quote.

In The Gospel of Mary, The Savior’s Farewell (8,11-9,5) it reads: “Be on your guard so that no one deceives you by saying, ‘Look over here’ or ‘Look over there.’ For the Child of Humanity exists within you. Follow it. Those who search for it will find it.”

This means there will be no apocalypse, no rapture. Your Soul is your Seed, or Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. IT IS WITHIN YOU.

You will “set within your root.” What is your root, your ultimate cause for living the life that you live?

Many would like to tell you that what is written in The Nag Hammadi Scriptures is apocryphal. Please note this is the exact same thing he said in Luke’s Gospel mentioned above. It was hidden from you because it encouraged you to grow in spiritual maturity, not be under anyone’s religion thumb, no matter which religious thumb that is.

Postresurrection Jesus explains this to Peter and the apostles, then leaves them. Instead of them feeling joyful at seeing Jesus and speaking with him, the disciples are weeping out of control. They did not fully comprehend who Jesus was and what he was asking of them, but Mary Magdalene did.

It is Mary who comforts the other apostles and leads them into a discussion of the Savior’s teachings.

Why is Jesus the Savior?

Jesus Christ saved humanity from Darkness (undue influence of sinister thoughts, words, and actions deceptively appearing as the greater good), Ignorance, (lack of education of who and what each one of us is), Desire (of evil vices over virtuous lives), and Wrath (choosing to spur on growing hatred in all forms including murder and death addictions in modern television shows which further more acts of violence in our modern world boasting of guns and wars in every country).

Peter asks Mary to share with them any teachings that Jesus gave her which they might not have heard.

Mary agrees and tells them about the rise of the Soul past the powers of Darkness, including Ignorance, Desire, and Wrath, who seek to keep the Soul from ascending.

When she is finished, she stands in silence, imitating the Soul at rest.

The Gospel of Mary is just as powerful today for followers of every religion that claims to put faith in Jesus Christ. Notice the hot spots of the world, overflowing with Ignorance of exactly what Jesus taught during those 18 missing years from when he was age 12 to 30, as well as the overabundance of misguided Desire and Wrath, all signs of those who follow the powers of Darkness.

Which “God” do you follow?

Next in The Gospel of Mary, the peace of Mary is disturbed by Andrew challenging the “strangeness” of Mary’s teaching. Peter challenges the gender issue of whether the Savior would give private instruction to a woman, and by doing so showed that he preferred her to the other disciples.

Mary cries, dismayed that Pater accused her of lying about the Savior. But Levi comes to her rescue, pointing out that Peter has always been hot-headed, and now his divisive actions are putting him on the side of his adversaries.

We also see people who claim to be on the right side of doing what is right and noble, both in political and religious arenas, when they are showing that they prefer retaliation and warfare, which the side of Darkness, Ignorance, Desire, and Wrath promotes.

The introduction and translation of The Gospel of Mary in The Nag Hammadi Scriptures by Karen L. King contends that the core issue at stake concerns who has understood the teachings of the Savior and who is able to go forth and preach the gospel. King points out that it was Mary’s stability of character and advanced teaching that presents Mary as the teaching disciple.

Peter’s question shows he is stuck with the gender of Mary as opposed to the strength of her spiritual character.

What actually matters in your life is the state of your Soul, not the gender with which you identify.

Mary Magdalene’s example is the first in biblical history, following that of Jesus Christ, enlightening humanity that your gender is a non-issue in the eyes of the Good, which in this gospel stands for God. Christians need to transmute all prejudice if they claim to be authentically Christian, following the Almighty Father, God of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel of Mary also deals with the Savior’s teaching on the destruction of matter, saying that in the end all matter, including the body and the world, will dissolve back into their original state, it’s root as mentioned at the beginning of this post.

All is One.
