There is Only One Race ~ The Human Race ~ Re-Posted from March 24, 2012

The human race on Earth is the only race there is.

Whether we are discussing the differences in race, color, ethnicity, creed, financial status or gender, we must realize that on this planet, there is only one race, the human race.

Sometimes we try to hide our prejudices behind other reasons, to justify the positions we take politically, socially, environmentally, religiously, or any other way we human beings use to surpress the voice of others. We are more alike than any difference we profess.

The root cause of prejudice is fear, not hatred. While certain groups may be extremely angry about an issue, the underlying cause of anger is fear. Why are we so afraid of other people, their belief system, their culture, their gender? Think of how we respond to someone expressing a different religious viewpoint, or a different political viewpoint, or addressing uncomfortable issues such as homlessness and hungry children in our country and the world.

Fear promotes radical groups in any of the human categories mentioned. If we are truly serious about fixing our world, before we can build any bridges to repair the damage we have caused, we must eradicate the root cause of fear.

We have made great progress in this country and in the world. We should celebrate the strides we have made. But there is more to do, more to share, more to understand, more to forgive, more to let go. It is not about being right, or wrong, or making others right or wrong. There is no way to make up for the loss of life through war, violence, bloodshed, or retaliation. Two wrongs do not make a right. We need to be able to build bridges between rich and poor people, Christians/Jewish/Muslim/and all religions, men and women, Republican and Democrat, American/African/Chinese/Middle East. We need to build bridges to and for all people everywhere.

Despite all our unique differences, we all share this one beautiful planet. We are all born in the same way, we all breathe air while we are here, and we all die. We are all having a shared human experience. The Divine Spark of Life, that Divine Breath, our souls are another part of the human experience. Our souls are part of the fabric of our life. Without our souls we would cease to be. No one soul is better than any other soul on this planet, no matter what our pride (insane ego) might be telling us. God is working in and through each and everyone of us. We are loved beyond all measure by the Author of Life, no matter what has happened in our lives, for good or for not so good, The Divine Source loves us. There is only one race on this planet.

It’s the human race.


Critical Mass Switches “Trickle Down” To “Trickle Up” Economics

When critical mass in any energy form is reached, the ebb and flow of what had been working switches to the other side. It is a natural occurrence when too much energy pushes from the

Critical mass switches “Trickle Down Economics” to “Trickle Up Economics.”

impetus that has been building. This is happening particularly in USA economics, and the world economic stage as well. Trickle down economics is supposed to work because if the wealthy of the land get wealthier, it is assumed that they will share the benefit based on this premise. In this country, what has been happening is that the middle class has been bailing out the higher class of the wealthy with no reciprocation, except for their outstretched wealthy hand begging for more, more, more. This is Trickle Up Economics. It is an automatic response.


This is because the basic principle of trickle down economics is based on inequity. We are past the point of critical mass. The poor and those people barely getting by in the middle class have lost faith with the high class wealthiest among us, because they have had their faith broken by the extreme inequity, with no return for their dollars.

The infinity loop is pictured as a figure 8 lying on its side. You might think of this as the CC Loop, centrifugal forces on one side and centripetal forces on the other, or the yin/yang principle, a child’s see saw, or any energy balancing system based on give and take, ebb and flow, where there is a natural rhythm. When the pressure of either side is too great, there is an automatic switch to the other side. This is where we are now in the economy.

The switch to Trickle Up Economics began with the bail outs for the rich and wealthy. This article is not saying the bail outs should not have happened. I believe it was crucial to bail out the auto industry, for example. What I am saying here, energetically speaking, is that we are past the point of balance and equity on many levels.

We are now operating on the basis of Trickle Up Economics. How is it working for you?

If this continues, and the Republicans get into office, based on the concept that trickle down economics works, which it has never worked, we will begin to see, as we are seeing now where the low and middle classes bail out the rich.

Trickle Up Economics works best when there are inequitable tax rates, off shore bank accounts so the rich do not have to pay taxes at all, and little attention paid to bolstering the middle class.

We need to integrate our humanity with our emotional and spiritual selves, which includes living fully in the present moment, with its economic concerns.


Liberating Self Imposed Victimhood And Martyrdom

Some of us come into our own at an early age, knowing just who we are with all of our strengths and our weaknesses. Others of us come into this internal and

 You are not a victim, nor a martyr, unless you choose to be. You have a choice.

external knowing later in life, while some of us carry on to the end, never really knowing all the dimensions of what makes us tick, or what our mission in this lifetime is. There are so many factors that shape a person, his or her emotional self, personality and personal likes and dislikes, religious and personal beliefs, self-esteem and personal empowerment issues.

Self-esteem, like every other human trait mentioned here, is a living, pulsating energy. Your self-esteem is a living entity, fed every minute of every day by your own thoughts, in addition to the thoughts and attitudes of those who raised you, the schools you went to, the friends and people of influence around you, and the attitudes regarding the value of life you have finally adopted.

What role do you play in your own life?

Do you like how you are feeling?

Your feelings are key to assessing where you are at in your personal development. Denying your feelings is a sign of weakness, not strength.

Everyone from time to time feels empowered. On occasion, we find ourselves in situations of disempowerment. This is the human condition. Two people can grow up in similar situations, yet, one person comes out strong, while the other person comes out of the same set of circumstances emotionally scarred by taking on the role of victim or martyr that he or she has chosen to assume. Why is this?

In order for self-esteem to fully blossom, we need to pull out the noxious weeds of self-imposed victimhood and martyrdom. Some of us cling to these dysfunctions as if they are badges of accomplishment to be worn into every life situation. We could succeed if it were not for this, that, or the other thing that stopped us. Recognize all seeds of negative self-messaging the second it comes to mind.

When bad things happen to us in our lives, we have two choices, not just one. The worse choice we can make is to succumb to the lower sense of self, then act out the role of being a victim, as “woe is me,” that of living out our life as a martyr. The best choice we can make is to identify with our higher self, recognizing that we are a beautiful work of creation.

Do not allow yourself to ever think, agree or believe negative messages about yourself. Accept yourself, right where you are, with all of the history and happenings that have ever happened to you. If there is something about yourself you wish to change for the better, then become aware and consciously work on that.

Liberate yourself from self-imposed negativity. Yes, you can. You are not a victim unless you want to be. You are not a martyr unless you choose to take that role on. But why would you do either? Often people choose these roles of dysfunction because they have learned they can manipulate others by doing so. It is good to take stock of our true motives. Accept who you are now, and consciously grow in the reality that you are worthy.